Wedding Day

Saturday Morning I was up by six. To be honest I tossed and turned all night and by six I finally decided to just give up on getting more sleep. I showered and went to get some breakfast.

Before I knew it Shauna, Becca and Emily had arrived. Our dresses had been taken to the Manor so we could get ready there. We headed over together with Mom. The rest of my family came in different vehicles.

They had closed the public part of the Manor house to the public today and we were given a room to get ready that was in the main part of the house so Ethan and I wouldn't accidentally run into each other. The groomsmen were getting ready in our area of the family house. I'd finally met the Best Man, Sean Campbell, last night at the rehearsal dinner. He'd been out of town on business for the past week and a half. Ethan and Sean had been friends in college and were now more like brothers.

The hair and makeup artists came in just after we arrived at the Manor and they got to work on helping all of us get ready. By 10:30 we were ready to get dressed. We were ready with time to spare. I got a text from Ethan: Can't wait to see you, beautiful.

I responded: Soon Love. We're almost ready.

We made our way to the side of the house where we would make our exit to walk down the aisle. Mom went ahead to find her seat. Ethan had a cousin with some really cute kids who became our flower girl and ring bearer.

Right at 11 the music started and the flower girl was ushered out to walk down the aisle, followed by the ring bearer. Then Emily, Becca and Shauna took their turns. As they were walking down the aisle, my father came over to stand by me. I found it strange, I never imagined I'd have a father to walk me down the aisle. It was a bit surreal that I did and it was happening right now.

"You look amazing Sera. The most beautiful bride I've ever seen." His eyes teared up. I wondered if he missed being able to give Charlotte away.

"Thanks, Dad."

"You know it's not too late if you're not sure about this." His emotions were close to the surface and I could tell he was trying to hold them in.

"I'm sure about this Dad. Thank you." I said and kissed his cheek.

The music changed and he took my arm, "It seems so weird to be giving you away since you just came into my life."

"It's just a formality, I'm still your daughter. You can't get rid of me this easily." I joked.

He smiled and we started walking out the door. I looked and saw how many people there were. I was amazed at how many people actually came to a wedding on such short notice. As I was looking around my gaze found Ethan. My steps almost faltered. He was gorgeous and he was mine. He was looking at me as well, and I saw him wipe a tear from his eye. Oh Ethan, how much I love you, and that tender gesture is almost enough to undo me. I had to take some breaths so my own eyes didn't water. No bride needs running make up before the ceremony even begins!

After what seemed like an eternity and strangely at the same time like a blink of an eye, we were standing in the front and my dad took my hand to give to Ethan.

"You take care of her, the best you can."

"Yes sir. I promise." Ethan took my hand and the sincerity of his voice made my heart do a flip. I handed my bouquet to Shauna and then Ethan and I faced the officiant.

The Officiant smiled at us and began "Everyone may be seated. Welcome and Thank you for being here on this happiest of days. It's no accident that each of you is here today, and each of you was invited to be here because you represent someone important in the individual and collective lives of Ethan and Sera.

"I can't think of a better venue than this wonderful Manor for this happy occasion. In the future Ethan and Sera you'll be able to look to this spot and remember the events of this day.

"The most remarkable moment in life is when you meet the person who makes your soul feel complete. Who makes you as a person feel whole. The person who makes the world a beautiful and magical place. The person you can imagine spending the remainder of your life with. Who you share a bond so special that it transcends normal relationships and becomes something so pure and wonderful, that you can't imagine spending another day of your life without them. I know how deeply Ethan and Sera care for and love each other and I feel privileged to be here today among all of you as a witness of their commitment to a lifetime of love for one another.

"But today is a celebration for the rest of us, for it a pleasure for us to see the love in bloom and to participate in the union of two people so delightfully suited to one another and have a few drinks in the process." The audience laughed, which is good we did tell him to add some humor.

"Marriage is a step into the unknown, most fairy tales end at that step, merely summing the rest of their lives up with 'and they lived happily ever after'. Which is taken to mean that they felt for the next fifty years exactly as they felt on the day they got married. I'm sorry to say that in life happily ever after doesn't mean that things are perfect and you always look at each other the way you are now. A good marriage must be created. In marriage little things are the big things. Hold hands, say I love you each day, support each other, stand together, uplift each other, speak words of appreciation, forgive, nurture growth of your love and of your individual selves, search for the good.

"And lest I put someone to sleep by being overly verbose, let's get to the part you all came for - the kiss. But they have to say the vows first, so you'll have to be patient!"