Chapter 3

"Fehler: Unzureichende Berechtigung." (Error: Insufficient authorization)

Adair's mom paused what she was doing when the message popped up. She frowned as she stood there for a few seconds unsure about what to do next. After that brief pause, she typed one single question in.

"Warum?" ("Why?")

"Es wird ein Senior-Zugriff benötigt um Dateien mit Prioritätsstufe 7 oder höher zu verändern." (Senior access is required to change files with priority level 7 or higher.)

Her frown turned even deeper as she read the new message. The young woman tapped her chin with her free hand, as if she was contemplating if she should do something. Eventually, she let out a regretful sigh and turned around. On the way out Adair heard her speak something to herself.

"Hoffentlich schauen sich die überlegenen Erzengel die Akte meiner Tochter an und ignorieren diese in der Annahme, dass es sich um einen Glitch handelt und nicht ihre tatsächlichen Informationen. Hoffentlich ignorieren sie auch, dass ich versuche, mit der Datei herumzuspielen, dass die Dinge chaotisch werden könnten, wenn sie dies untersuchen." ("Hopefully the superior archangels will look at my daughter's files and ignore them, assuming it was a glitch and not her actual information.")

Her mother then caressed baby Adair as she spoke to her. "Ich weiß nicht ob du mich verstehen kannst oder nicht meine kleine Adair, aber mir ist es egal dass du eine reinkarnierte Person bist. Für mich bist und bleibst du meine Tochter. Leider hast du großes Pech gehabt mit deinem Vater, aber ich werde alles in meiner Macht stehende tun um dich zu beschützen!" (I don't know if you can understand me or not my little Adair, but I don't care that you are a reincarnated person. For me you are and will be my daughter. Unfortunately you are very unlucky with your father, but I will do everything in my power to protect you!)

"Wer hätte je gedacht, dass ein namenloser Planet jenseits des großen Risses von Xanthra jemanden hervorbringen kann, der ein Genie der Stufe 9 ist? Du hast genug Potenzial um es mit den Besten der Erzengel-Spezies aufzunehmen." (Who would have ever thought that a nameless planet beyond the Great Rift of Xanthra could produce someone who is a level 9 genius? You have enough potential to take on the best of the archangel species.)

"Ach meine Kleine, was soll ich nur mit dir machen? Dich zwingen nichts zu lernen? Wie könnte eine Elternteil so etwas nur jemals tun? Dich umbringen? Das ist einfach nur grausam. Ein Leben welches gerade erst begonnen hat gleich wieder auszulöschen… nein so etwas könnte nur so ein Monster wie dein Vater über sich bringen." (Oh my little one, just what should I do with you? Force you not to learn anything? How could a parent ever do such a thing? Kill you That's just cruel. To wipe out a life that has just begun... no, only a monster like your father could do something like that.)

"Ich könnte versuchen dich in den nächsten Jahrzehnten so mächtig wie möglich zu machen, bevor ein Ermittlerin kommt. Im Idealfall wäre dies die beste Option. Nur wenn etwas schief geht, werden wir nicht die einzigen sein, die bestraft werden." (I could try to make you as powerful as possible in the next decades before a investigator comes. Ideally, this would be the best option. Only when things go wrong we won't be the only ones punished.)

When they headed back to the main walkway, up the stairway Adair wondered why her mother was not using her wings to fly up. 'Is it too stamina intensive? Is she perhaps injured? Maybe flying is more difficult than I think? Or… could it just be that she is scared of heights?'

Whatever the reason, after several hours with two feeding breaks in between, they finally reached the top again. Her mother cut open a small spot on both their fingers and placed them on a small circle on the wall. The door then became transparent again and allowed them to pass through.

Surprisingly they were met by a young frantic maid, who directly rushed to them and exclaimed, "Eure Majestät, der König ist hier und sucht nach Euch und Eurem Kind! Ich hörte ihn sagen er sei hier, um das Potenzial Eurer Tochter zu absorbieren! Ihr müsst sie sofort verstecken!" (Your Majesty, the King is here looking for you and your child! I heard him say he's here to absorb your daughter's potential! You must hide her immediately!)

Adair could somehow tell that her mother was cursing their situation. This scared Adair because her mother losing her calm like that indicated that something terrible was happening. She watched her mom attempt to open the door again by putting both their bloody fingers on the circle, but this time the door remained as it was.

When the young woman realized that the door was not opening, she instantly grabbed the maid, pulled out a chalk piece and drew a circle on the ground around the maid. When the circle was finished, her mom wrote a single word inside, before letting a drop of her blood fall on the word in the middle. After that, the young Queen started heading down the hallway at a quick pace by holding baby Adair close to her.

Curious about what her mother had just done, she looked behind them, yet there was no one else in the room. It was as if the maid had been erased from existence. Before they took a turn Adair barely had the time to notice some black dust on the ground where she had stood before.

'My mom didn't just vaporize her, did she? Yikes, just what type of world did I get born into?' Adair pushed that thought aside, though, because her mom found the room she was looking for. She proceeded to do a single knock, small pause, another knock followed by a slightly longer delay, then a rapid succession of five consecutive knocks, two more forceful double knocks, and lastly she slapped the door with her open palm.

The door was opened at once by a large burly man who ushered the two of them in. Adair noticed that the man had short brown hair and very distinctive crystal blue eyes. While the Queen sat down in a large chair, the man quickly and methodically began to pack up everything in the room. It had taken him less than 5 minutes to grab everything from the pots and pans to the pictures on the wall. All of it had been put into separate containers and put inside of a large duffel bag looking item. As soon as he was finished with the task her mother tried to hand Adair off to the man, which greatly confused both the man and Adair.

"Kommt Ihr nicht mit uns mit, Eure Majestät?" (Aren't you coming with us, Your Majesty?)

Her mother shook her head. "Ich muss hier bleiben. Wenn ich mitkommen würde, würde er uns dadurch finden können. Pass gut auf meine Kleine auf. Ihr Name ist Adair und sie hat das größte Potenzial in der Geschichte dieses Planeten." (I have to stay here. If I come along, he would be able to find us through me. Take good care of my little one. Her name is Adair and she has the greatest potential in the history of this planet.)

The man looked as if he had more questions, but the eyes of the young woman told him that she was not happy about having to take this decision, yet she knew it in her heart that it was the one she had to take for the good of her daughter. Naturally Adair was unable to understand what exactly was going on, so she clung to her mother, scared of the man who looked like he could accidentally crush her in his hand if he was not too careful.

However, when her new mom kissed her on her forehead and started crying before she attempted to hand her over again, Adair gave in, trusting that her mother only meant well. She herself was unsure if that was merely wishful thinking on her part or if her thoughts were being influenced by her new body. She had never had a real mother so she was unaware of the special bond a child would have with their parents.

Her mom dried her tears a bit, before she pulled out some pink chalk and started to draw on the ground. It was a perfect circle that was about 3 feet in diameter. Next she drew a smaller circle within which was only one foot in diameter. In between the two circles, she started to write many things. For some reason Adair felt elated when she looked up to the burly man who appeared to understand as much about those symbols as she did.

A few minutes later her mom lifted her chalk and dropped a bit of her blood in the middle circle. It lit up and a small chest materialized in the middle. Her mother quickly opened the chest and brought out a couple dozen books."Diese hier sind dafür da um meiner Tochter ihre Blutlinien Magie beizubringen." (These ones are to teach my daughter her bloodline magic.)

She proceeded to take out a large box and give more instructions to the man. "Diese Box enthält mehr als genug Kreide für die nächsten Jahrzehnte. Niemand darf herausfinden, dass ihr irgendwelche dieser Gegenstände habt, sonst werdet ihr für den Rest eures Lebens von mächtigeren Menschen gejagt als ihr euch es vorstellen könnt!" (This box contains more than enough chalk for the next few decades. You can't let anybody find out that you have any of these items or you will be hunted by more powerful people than you can imagine for the rest of your life!)

"Hank, Ich weiß, dass du nie Kinder haben wolltest, aber du bist der einzige den ich um diesen Gefallen bitten kann. Eins der Bücher erklärt dir wie man auf Babys aufpasst. Ansonsten ist dort auch genug Essen für ein Jahr. Danach sollte sie hoffentlich in der Lage sein normales Essen zu sich zu nehmen, solange es klein genug ist." (Hank, I know you never wanted to have kids, but you're the only one I can ask for this favor. One of the books tells you how to take care of babies. Otherwise there is enough food there for a year. After that, hopefully she should be able to eat normal food as long as it is small enough.)

"Wir haben leider keine Zeit mehr. Wenn du ein paar Tropfen ihres Blutes auf das Teleportationspapier fallen lässt, werdet ihr beide damit fliehen können. Es ist das einzigste seiner Art auf diesem Planeten und selbst mein Gemahl wird euch nicht auf der anderen Seite der Welt suchen. Viel Glück und ich werde dir für immer zu Dank verpflichtet sein." (Unfortunately we don't have any more time. If you drop a few drops of her blood on the teleportation paper, you will both be able to escape with it. It is the only one of its kind on this planet and even my husband will not look for you on the other side of the world. Good luck and I will be forever indebted to you.)

The man's face was conflicted in regards to everything she was asking of him, but ultimately he still accepted. He rearranged a few things to make place for them inside his all-carry bag. Adair watched her mom step out of the circle and start to add a third circle which was 7 feet in diameter.

Not only did the chest vanish into thin air, but also everything else that her mom had written had disappeared. Adair was fascinated by everything, but she started to feel sad, because she understood that her new mother was basically ditching her. 'Is it some sort of karma? Am I destined to never have parents in any of my lives?'

The man awkwardly held Adair. It was instantly apparent to her that he had never held a baby before and had no idea how to properly carry her. Unfortunately for Adair, the method he came up with was getting some ropes and tying her to his chest. Not only was this very uncomfortable for Adair, but it also meant that she was forced to take in the smell of the man the entire time, which was anything but pleasant.

Once he was sure that Adair was safe, he used her still lightly bleeding finger to mark the piece of paper, before he put it on the ground and stood in the central circle. As soon as it touched the ground the paper grew in size until it covered the entire room. A wormhole then opened and started to suck everything towards the middle and Adair felt that the suction force felt eerily similar to the force that had reincarnated her.

When she realized this, she sighed and just thought, 'Not again…'