I sat sobbing due to the recent news of my mother's departure. My mother was my favourite parent, whenever my father would force things on me, my mother would support me so I was sad when my mother left. It felt like half of me has been taken away. 

To me, my mother was the best mother a person could have. She showered me with lots of love since I was her only child so right then being away from her felt like my whole world had been shattered into pieces. 

And yeah, I knew that she promised to come back soon but still I couldn't still help but cry. A day without her wouldn't feel complete. How would weeks and months feel?!!

 I tried calling Belinda my best friend but she wasn't picking up, so I decided to go out for a change of mood and as usual, whenever I was in this kind of state, I would go to my estate garden.

Whenever I saw the beautiful flowers there, the calm environment and the warm breeze it always comforted me so I changed and went there.

Sitting on the bench in the garden and savouring this wonderful moment, I got a call from Belinda. 

"Belinda, why were you not picking up my calls?" My brows pulled together since this hardly happened. She was someone who you would call and you didn't even need to wait second before you get answered. 

𝑌𝑜𝑢 𝑘𝑛𝑜𝑤 𝑡ℎ𝑜𝑠𝑒 𝑡𝑦𝑝𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑝𝑒𝑜𝑝𝑙𝑒 𝑟𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡?

"Jesse, I wasn't with my phone, I'm so sorry I missed your call," She stated 

"Hmmm..." My lips parted in disbelief.

"I am serious, why won't I want to pick the best person in the world to call." She chuckled. "Anyways, where are you? I am already at your place."

"I am on my way, I just wanted to get fresh air from the garden."

"I can come to you." She volunteered.

"No need." I declined.

"Okay, see you soon,"

"I am hanging up," I told her and when I stood up, I began to work fast but I bumped into someone which made my heart skip a beat.

"Oh sorry," I said as I moved back but when I raised my head to see the person's face, I couldn't stop gazing at him, I was lost in his gaze. His face was perfectly shaped, same goes for his full eyebrows then his lashes were long and dark while his eyes were very dark suiting his curled dark hair, pointed nose, and light pink lips.

'How can someone be so handsome?!'

His lips curved into a smile when he saw my reaction "You should be more careful" His pretty lips spoke and I nodded embarrassed and left.

On my way home. I kept recalling the images of his face in my head. How could a guy be so attractive?! Everything about his face was perfect as if he was the one who created himself to be like that. Geez.....

When I reached home, I went upstairs knowing that Belinda will be there. I got to my room and I met her sitting on the couch typing with a smile placed on her face.

"What is making you smile so much?" I asked coltishly and tried to peep through her mobile phone.

"Ooh, you are here; it's just Nelson." She stood up as her smile still stayed put as if what he was saying was too funny to be forgotten.

"Nelson hmmm,"

"Cut it off, he is not my type" She frowned.

"Anyways, what is he telling you?" 

"Not much." She left me hanging In anticipation and before I could retort she spoke again.

 "What about your new school, when are you going to start?" She asked as her eyes were filled with curiosity.

 Yeah, I almost forgot my dad also wants to change my school.

I have tried to convince him but he always tells me that he has made up his mind and there is nothing I can do. But I don't want to leave, I will miss my schoolmates a lot and including Belinda because even if she lives close and visits often we will not be as close as when we were in the same college...

When Belinda noticed the change in my mood she put her right hand on my shoulder.

"Don't worry, everything will be alright." she smiled cheerfully at me.

"Besides I have good news," Her smile widened.

"What?" I asked with a low voice. Thinking about leaving my school already made me sad. I felt very hurt about it.

"I am going to JK college." She yelled and I was stiff for a moment rendered shocked by her news but when her message sank better I jumped on her. I couldn't believe it! This was the best news! I couldn't have imagined that she would be coming too!

"Jessica it's okay, we have been hugging for a while," She said as she tried to escape my embrace and I finally broke our closeness. 

"Ooh sorry, I am just very happy. You have already made my day." I gave her a smile as blinding as the sun.


"But what?" I asked agitatedly.

"I will be coming next semester," Her bright face faded and I felt my beating heart calm down. I thought it was bad news or she wanted to say just kidding!

"That's not bad as far as you can come I am fine." I tapped her cheeks and she nodded.

"I need to go, I have things to do." 

"Alright, bye," I said reluctantly and she gave me a big smile.

"We will see later."

 After Belinda left, I tried to study but I kept thinking about that super cute guy and his mesmerizing view.

I had never seen him around here before so I was wondering where he came from or maybe he is one of our neighbour's relatives, I wouldn't know because I don't have any other friends apart from Belinda and my schoolmates but I really wanted to know him more or maybe I was simply attracted to his beauty besides I am a girl and he is a guy I smiled to myself knowing fully what I meant.
