Chapter 7 Bonding better.

The noise echoed around the room as the alarm rang { zzzzzin}.

"Can someone off this thing," I said in a blurry state as I rolled on the bed but when I got no reply I shot my eyes open.

'Ummm,' I stretched and forced myself to get out of bed to prepare for school but this time I put more effort into it.

I polished my nails, put on little makeup and sprayed perfume. I carried the bag matching my school uniform colour which is blue and wore long black socks that reached my knees because the skirt was short. I also wore blue sneakers, packed my hair in a ponytail and applied gel at the front to make me look classy.

I looked in the mirror and I smiled satisfied with my look.

After admiring myself for a while through the mirror, I went downstairs to have breakfast and I saw my nanny in the dining already setting the table.

"Good morning nanny," I greeted.

"Ooh, good morning dear," She gazed at me "You look stunning." She smiled.

"Thanks," I said as I went to seat on one of the dining chairs and without waiting for another minute to pass, I began to stuff food into my mouth but after taking a few spoons, It dawned on me that my belly might protrude out of my uniform so I stopped eating.

I stood up from my seat and I went to pack my bag. When I was done, I returned my gaze to my nanny.

"Please tell Dad that I have left with the driver when he wakes up," I told her and she raised a brow. 

"Sure but are you leaving now?" She asked and I gave a questioning look.

"Of course,"

She frowned "But you didn't eat much," She said and I smiled at her gesture

"I am fine. I wouldn't dare skip meals when I have a caring person like you by my side,"

"You flatter me. Now go!"

"Hey," I crossed my hands over my chest "That's unfair, earlier you were telling me to stay and eat more but now you are sending me without a kiss," I pointed at my cheeks.

"Silly girl," Nanny pecked me and I pecked her back.

"Bye," I waved from the car.

"Have a nice day," She waved back.

On my arrival to pop school, all eyes were on me, at first I felt proud of myself because all my efforts were not in vain but when the attention was getting too much, I became nervous. I guess I overdid it.

When I finally arrived at my department, I sighed relieved since only a few people were in the class.

"Good morning Camella," I said as I dropped my bag on the chair and she looked at me amused.

"You look good,"

I turned to see if anyone was staring and I guess I was right, everyone was gazing at me. I guess I should have just dressed casual but I just wanted to look good on the first day I wore my uniform but these people's piercing views are spoiling it for me, I wish I could just plug them all off.

I sat down quietly, to prevent those who have stopped gazing at me to begin their torture again just when Camella asked me to accompany her to the pool, I was reluctant but I eventually followed her.

On our way to the pool, she showed me around but she couldn't show me some places because we were not authorized to go in and I wanted to see these places even if it was a glance but even the glasses were tinted. My face was filled with the wonder of what could be in but I let it slip since I couldn't see it.

"Who are they?" I whispered to her while gazing at some boys when we arrived at the pool room.

"They are the science students," She said before she went toward the pool.

'They are cute but none of them could still be compared to Julian or Pascal' I thought as I gazed intently at them.

'And Why I am even comparing them and why am I bringing Julian's name in. Stop Jessy!!' I scolded myself and in no time, some of them started working toward me and before I knew it, they were at my front.

"Hi," One of them came to stand in front of me. He was a tall guy, he was also very good-looking, he had deep black eyes but his hair was not as dark as his eyes and the same goes for his full eyebrows. He looked like a very calm person; his face looked calm and gentle.


"Are you new here?" He asked as he flashed a smile revealing his perfect teeth.

"I am asking because I know everyone around here and I have never seen you here and from the way, you are dressed..."

"What's with my dressing?" I trailed him off with curiosity clear on my face.

"Well, I mean your uniform looks new," He changed his words.

"Really?" I raised a brow.

"Ooooh, sorry for my bad manners. I am Gabriel, I am also in your class but a different dipo," He smiled.

"How did you know?" 

"Since you came in with Cami, I guessed," He gestured at Camella who was swimming and I nodded.


"So, You are?"

"Jessica" I smiled.

"That's also my sister's name," His smile widened.

"Really? I have finally found a namesake after all these years." I sighed.

"So you have never found one? " He laughed at my gesture.

"Yeah and I look forward to meeting your sister," I said smiling back at him.

"Anytime," He snickered.


"I have to go,"

"It's alright but can you please spare me a seat during lunch," He asked and I nodded.

I left and went to sit while watching Camella swimming. 

After a while of swimming, Camella came out of the pool smiling widely at me and my brows creased wondering what she was thinking about.

When she was close to me, she looked at me with enthusiasm and whispered in my ear "He is staring at you,"

Realising who she was talking about I I ignored her. I didn't have the luxury of all those stuff!

We left the pool and we walked to the assembly hall.

When we arrived at the assembly hall but they were already praying and I thought we would get punished but to my surprised, we weren't. No one seemed to care. 

"Don't people get disciplined, if they arrive here late?" I asked her since that was how it was normally meant to be.

"Nop, Julian cancelled that Law," She replied and my brows creased. 


"Because that's what girls like about him....when he behaves bossy," Shd said and my mouth hung open.
