Chapter 12 Sweet friendship.

I jumped on my bed tired.

Today has been a long day and only God knew how much I wanted to sleep all day but I still had to cook for myself and do other chores.

"Urgh," I groaned.

Forcing myself to stand up, I changed my uniform and went downstairs, I was about to start cooking but I remembered that I could go to Belinda's house, I won't have to cook and I can have enough rest that is if she lets me rest.

I exited my house but I guess I made a bad choice because Belinda kept on disturbing me to tell her the reason I came late she said that she came to my house earlier and I wasn't around.

So, I told her everything which I am still regretting.

"So you guys had your first date and I didn't even know?" She raised a brow but I shook my head.

"No, why is it so hard for you to understand that we were not on our first date?" I said frustrated.

 I have been trying to explain things to her for long but she didn't want to listen! She kept turning every word I uttered the wrong way! 

"So what do you call a couple sitting in a hall decorated with flowers exchanging their life stories?" She described it with her hands as if she was imagining it while talking and I frowned harder.

"Maybe you can call them friends,"

"I thought you said you wanted nothing to do with him?! Is it my ear or did you just describe you both as friends?" She asked as a wide smile crept upon her face and my brows creased. 

"I was just sighting an example and I just realized that he is not as bad as I thought."

"This is the first stage, I am sure your emotions will develop," She giggled and I sighed. 

"Well have fun being sure cause I have no time for your rubbish," I stood up.

I knew that it was a waste of time to argue with her. She never got tired and again I needed to go. I had a lot of notes to copy and I still needed to read them since I didn't want to be backward academically. 

"Are you leaving?" She asked with a knotted brows and I nodded.

"Yes, I have a lot to do," I replied smiling widely and her frown deepened.

"Ooh no! Why now? I was enjoying your company," She stated pouting and my lips curved up. 

"We'll see tomorrow. I also wished I could stay but I need to do a lot of things," I said then I stretched my hands widely for her and with a knotted brow, she walked towards me and crashed into my embrace.

I dashed out of her house and I walked to mine, thankfully, it didn't take long before I arrived home since our houses weren't far from each other.

 I went to my room and I was about to sleep just when my phone started beeping.

"Not again," I soliloquized as I grabbed my phone.

I brought it to my face but when I looked at the screen my eyes widened in surprise. I couldn't believe that he was video calling me! Why?!!

No, I wasn't surprised. I was more than surprised!

'We just spoke but I didn't expect him to call me and I didn't give him my number, so how did he get it?!' I thought but then without wasting any time, I hastily went to my mirror and I began to adjust my hair and my dress.

After doing severally, I walked back to my bed grabbing my phone but I didn't still pick up the call since I was still deliberating whether to do so or not.

My face was already reddened and I didn't want him too see it. He would know that I was blushing and I was sure that he wouldn't let me go easily after finding out about that. 

I stayed there biting my lower lips but after a while, I finally decided to pick up the call since I couldn't also afford to miss hearing his sweet voice.

As I picked the call, the first thing my gaze caught was his perfect teeth. He was smiling widely at me and I cursed inwardly because as I saw that smile on his face my face heat intensified. 

"Hmmm...So why are you calling me?" I managed to ask him and his smile lengthened. 

"I wanted to see you," He uttered and I blinked surprised. 

Me? Was he joking or what?!

I stayed still unable to believe what I just heard until his voice jolted me back to reality. 

"You are my new girlfriend so I wanted to see you," He repeated and I cleared my throat. This guy was making us seem more than friends. That girlfriend word didn't seem like friends in my ear. It seemed more like...

"Why are your cheeks red?" He suddenly asked and I snapped out of my dazed state.

My hands went to my hot cheeks and I bit my lips realizing that while thinking about him a while ago the heat intensified. Ooh no! Now, what will I do? What was I going to tell him?!

Clearing my throat, I looked away "Well, it's because I just took a hot shower," I said defensively but he shook his head. 

"You're lying. If it's that, then your hair would have been damp but it's looking very dry," 

"Well, you can't tell. That's just how my hair looks," I replied and he gazed at me for a while before he eventually nodded.

"Okay, I believe you," He uttered and I smiled victoriously.

He began to tell me about what some girls have done just to be close to him and I found some of them disgusting while some were kind of cute. 

The way some girls usually behaves towards him was kind of odd but I could understand most of them since resisting him was the pure definition of something impossible to do. 

With a sigh, I kept listening to his story ignoring how late it was but before I knew it....

I dozed off.....


My eyes fluttered open when I felt someone tapping me and I rubbed my eyes. 

When I could see clearly, I realized that it was nanny and she was standing with her hands on her hip.

"Nanny ooh it is you," I uttered adjusting my hair but she gave me a questioning look and went to open the curtains.

Everywhere was bright that I could not see. Wait!! was it .... Morning?!

I quickly stood up and checked the time but when I realized what time it was, my mouth formed a wide 'O'

It was already 10:00 pm!

"Ooh no I slept off," I said gaping and my nanny nodded.

"And you're late," She added.

Without waiting a moment, I hastily stood up from bed and dashed into the bathroom to bathe leaving my nanny there. 

I knew that if I wanted to still go to school today - which I wanted to do, I will need to prepare fast so I didn't take time in the bathroom. 

When I was done bathing, I combed my hair, put on my uniform and went downstairs but before my nanny could pass I plate to me, I hastily dashed out of the house not caring about the scoldings I would receive when I get back home. 

I chattered a cab and after a long drive, I finally arrived at school.

I took my steps slowly to prevent anyone from noticing my late coming since I couldn't imagine how embarrassing it would be if the principal or one of the teachers saw me! Geez...

I kept walking slowly and luckily for me, It didn't take long before I arrived at my class.

I smiled widely realising that no teacher was in and without wasting any time, I hastily dashed in.

I got in but I would have preferred staying out as everyone's gaze settled on me immediately after I entered.

I stiffened for a while feeling uncomfortable with their gazes but after some time I managed to escape through it as I walked to my seat with my head facing down.

When I arrived at my seat, I put my bag beside my table then I sat down. 

"Hi," I greeted Cami who was looking at me surprised. 

"You're just coming now?!" She asked and when I nodded, her mouth dropped but before she could utter another word, Mr Michael dashed into the class.

As he lectured, I kept gazing around hoping to sight for Julian but I couldnt. I did this over and over again, but when I couldn't still sight him, I had no choice but to return my attention to Mr michael's class ignoring my crazy thoughts about him.


After Mr Michaels class, we had other subjects and after those, it was finally lunchtime.

I and Camella went to the cafeteria to eat. 

When we arrived there, Cami went to buy lunch while I waited in one of the back seats.

I kept waiting for her patiently as I went through my contacts surpressing the urge to call Julian's line but while doing that, Gabriel suddenly came to seat beside me. 

"Gabriel?" I uttered surprised but he just smiled widely revealing his perfect and charming teeth.

"Hi, how are you doing?" He asked and I smiled in response.

"I'm doing very great. I'm enjoying this school,"

"That's nice though I wished you were in the science department," He uttered but my brows pulled together. 

"Ooh no! Don't wish that! You guys are trying. I can't even dream of doing further maths or worst chemistry. Yuck."

"It's not that hard you can try it. And that reminds me have you heard about our camping?" He asked but I blinked confused. 


"Yes, we will all be going like I mean all the departments," He added and my mouth formed a wide 'O'. I was about to scream out loud but when I remembered that it was a waste since I couldn't go I shut my mouth closed. 

"Hmm..that's nice but sadly I won't be attending," I said and his brows knotted.


"My dad doesn't like all those stuff. So he never permits me to go." I replied and his gaze widened. 

"So you mean you've never gone?" He asked in disbelief and when I nodded, his mouth forced a wide 'O' 

The place stayed silent for a while but just when he was about to utter another word Camella butted in.

"Hey, Gabriel," She said surprised and Gabriel smiled at her.

"Hi, Camella. How are you doing? You are looking cooler," He complimented and her smile widened.

"Thank you," She muttered and she was about to utter another word but before she could he cut in.

"Okay, I am leaving. Bye and Jessica I'm still hoping to see you there." He said and without even waiting for a response he left.

"So you guys are now friends, leaving me out." Camella sudden said and my eyes widened surprised by her words but before I could reply her, she spoke again.

"You always leave me out whenever it is fun." She added folding her arms across her chest and I could only smirk hearing how absurd my friend sounded right now. 

"You don't expect me to come running to you to alarm you that 'ooh, I am about to talk to Gabriel or a guy just told me Hi. Right?" I raised a brow but my statement seemed to have made her more angry as her frown deepened. 

"Now you are mocking me!" She stated biting her lower lips and seeing how funny she looked, I felt like bursting into laughter but I held it since I knew that if I tried laughing a war would break out. 

I took in a deep breath before returning my gaze to her. "am just saying what's right Cami. You don't expect me to call you whenever someone says hi to me and I didn't even expect Gabriel to talk to me so how am I at fault?" I uttered and her frown reduced. 

"Maybe you are right but it is not still fair," She said angrily and without even waiting for a response from me she began to stuff food into her mouth.