CHAPTER 14 Drinking challenge.

After enduring Belinda's rough and fast driving, we finally arrived at the club. The loud sound of the music playing made it easier for us to get the exact locus.

I swallowed my saliva as I gazed at the building and Belinda who was already in gave me a look to come in.

My heart thundered as I entered restraining my footsteps from diverting more attention than my silly drama was already causing and in no time I was finally in. A victorious smile lit on my face just when one of my close friends Lizzy who sited me from afar screamed my name while running towards me.

"Omg! I missed you so much!" She enveloped me with a tight hug when she was finally in front of me.

"Same here," I giggled.

"So how have you been?" I asked her as we broke our closeness. I had missed her all this while because she was the closest to me after Belinda. She was one of the main reasons why I still felt like going back to my previous school.

 "How do you expect me to be without you?" She asked.

"Did you miss me that much?" I raised a brow and she nodded almost immediately.

"Of course, everyone missed you. And what of you, did you even once ever think about us?" She folded her arms across her chest and I also nodded.

"Of course, at first I even thought that my life will be shattered without you guys. How could I just forget all of you, you know that you all mean a lot to me," I said sincerely.

"Aww, that's so sweet and you also equally mean a lot to us." She smiled back before she gestured at someone far. I couldn't see where it was but I knew she was talking about the others.

"Now let me take you to everyone, they have been waiting for the both of you to come." She added and gestured for Belinda who has been watching our drama quietly without saying a word to come along.

We both followed her quietly as she showed us where they were.

"Jessica," I heard my name being called out by different people as we reached where they have gathered around as if they were having a meeting or something but I am sure it wasn't one because they were drinking and they couldn't even have a meeting here when music was on.

"Aww, my friend is here," Caroline another friend of mine said as she, came to hug me.

"Caro, you haven't changed," I told Caro who was crying because she missed me.

"You are talking like it has been decades since we last saw each other," She frowned. "And anyway, I will remain the same way," She added.

"That is impossible, you will surely change one day even if it is a little difference," 

"Whatever," She winged her hair and I smiled at her behaviour.

"Do you want to join the game?" She gestured at those people sitting on the round chair.

"What is it about?" I asked curiously.

"It is a drinking challenge,"

"No, I don't drink," I said and she frowned hard.

"Well, there is a first time for everything," She sniggered.

"No, I don't think so," I said still reluctant.

"Please, it's been long since we last saw each other, at least let's have fun even if it is just a little" She pleaded...

"Didn't you hear her Caro, she doesn't drink, don't worry I will join the game but I won't allow Jessica to" Belinda flew into the conversation.

"Okay, let's go" Caro finally gave in.

They were about to go but I stopped them, I couldn't just stay out of it when I came here to have fun with my ex-colleagues for the last time. Besides it won't be that bad to just have a thirst of it, a thirst won't kill.

"I am coming along" I smiled and Caro nearly jumped up out of excitement.

"No, Jessica! I won't let you besides you promised to let things go my way. So please forget about playing the game" Belinda gave me a fuming look.

"Come on Belinda I came here to have fun and you are telling me not to join the game. Then what am I here for?" 

"We can get a juice," She smiled

"Or something else, just anything apart from drinks." She tried to convince me.

"I am not a kid anymore, I know you are trying to protect me because you believe that I have been kept indoors all my life and shouldn't be influenced and I sincerely appreciate that, but I just want to have a little fun even if it is only tonight" I gave her a pleading look.

"Okay, but promise not to drink too much" She finally cohered

"I promise." I smiled