Chapter 68 B*tches

I rolled in bed as bellowing noises disturbed me. After a while of rolling over and over again, my eyes fluttered open. I looked by my side and I realised that it was Natalie and Mabel's other crew members that were on the bed chatting as the loud song kept on playing. 

I hastily sat up but when I saw that Camella was still sleeping I laid back in the bed. I didn't have the luxury to deal with these annoying people. 

I used the pillow to cover my ear trying to avoid the noise but it was just too loud. 

Frustrated, I stood up and dashed into the bathroom ignoring them. 

I began to wash my body; pouring soup all over me and after washing my body with soup, I On the shower but no water came out.

'Why wasn't it coming out?! I just used it a while ago!' I thought and I kept trying to switch it On but it didn't work.