Chapter 71 Damn liers.

"Stop!!" Mrs Williams yelled and we all stiffened. I slowly let loose of Mabel's hair in my hands as fear covered my face. 

I gazed sideways and I saw Camella also stiff as she stayed on top of Vanessa. 

"What is the meaning of this?! Are you trying to practice Judo over here?!" She asked in a low voice yet my heart began to accelerate uncontrollably. She must have felt disappointed in seeing such behaviour being exhibited by upcoming senior year students.

She shooked her head multiple times before asking us to follow her to her office. 

The principal's office was not in the hostel block so Natalie had to get dressed quickly as she was also asked to come along.

We all went downstairs with the principal leading the way. We were outside our hostel block when she suddenly paused and waited for some minutes before calling out Natalie's name.