Chapter 79 Broken.

It was a stormy morning and the cold breeze woke me as I shivered. I hadn't realised that I left my windows open.

Quickly, I clutched at the sheets to comfort myself but when that wasn't working, I forced myself to get up from the bed as I rushed to close the windows.

It was very early and the clouds were engulfed in darkness. The sight was pretty and soothing as I thought of Julain. Two weeks had passed and he is to return today. All this while, I had been waiting for the day and I'm glad that it's finally here. 

Suddenly, thunder rumbled and I flinched in fear. Just when I was about to close the windows, lightning shone and the figure of a car came into my view. It was dark and I tried stealing a glimpse of the car while closing my window. And I was right earlier. It was a car!