Chapter 81 With him.

I waited patiently for his reply since I badly needed his help. I didn't want to go back to my house and for the first time in my life, I didn't want to see my mother's face. 

I knew I would go beg her to stay if I went back and that was what I didn't want to do since she was the one at fault. She was the one that needed to beg me! What she did to me was wrong!

As I was lost in my thoughts suddenly, his hand made its way to my face caressing it and my attention returned to him. "You can stay as long as you want," He said smiling widely at me and I returned his smile with mine.

I was so glad that he accepted to let me stay over!

I opened my mouth to talk but before I could all of a sudden he stood up and cradled me. 

My eyes widened surprised but I didn't protest since I didn't feel like walking and I also enjoyed being cradled by him. It always felt good.