Chapter 95 Back homeꨄ

I didn't want to get heartbroken by her a second time because I knew that it would be very hard for me to get over it - I wouldn't be able to survive a second heartbreak and right now a part of me wanted to stay badly while the other begged me to move home. 

But since I knew going home was the best thing to do all I could do was pray and hope that my fears don't come to pass. I didn't want to get into a fight with my mom again - never and yes, I knew I was still angry at her for all her lies and deceit but I still couldn't wish not to see her face or be with her anymore - it was impossible!

Remembering where I was, I shook my head and then I grabbed Julian's hand. I couldn't protest when he said that he wanted to escort me because I badly needed his company. I was glad that he was going to be with me even if it is for a few minutes more.