Chapter 113 Sweet melody

I could see his bright smile and gorgeous face and seeing them made my heart flutter.

I didn't know how he got here so quickly and I didn't care! All I cared about was the fact that he was here!

I was the happiest In the world knowing that I could finally see him and do whatever I wanted with him!

Going to my mirror, I adjusted myself again and this time, I began to add make-up to my face to make me look splendid since I wanted him to drool for me too. 

I did this for and while and when I was done, I sprayed perfume. I made sure that I looked more gorgeous than my previous look and when I was done, I smiled satisfied with my look.

With a wide smile, I dashed out of my room but to my biggest surprise when I got down, he was already seated in the sitting room and he seemed to be talking to someone.

I looked further and it was then that I realised that the person was none other than my mother.