Chapter 122 Gabriel?!

We went to the dining and we began to eat and seeing the reaction when they had a first taste my smile widened.

I grabbed my fork too but after taking a few spoons, I dropped it remembering where I was going to today. I didn't want my tummy to protrude out of my dress, I would feel embarrassed if Julian sees it.

With a flushed face, I stood up. I had a lot of things to do and since I was done eating, I had decided to go and start doing some of them. I couldn't afford to go to Julian's place late since I wanted to use all my time with him to the fullest.

I walked back to my room and the first thing I started doing was to pack all the books I was going with into my bag, I also placed Julian's meal which was I brought along with me into it.

When I was done, I went towards my wardrobe and I grabbed my dress while biting my lower lips. I know Julian might hate this dress with passion since it was kind of holy but I didn't mind.