Chapter 135 Alone (I)

Hello guys! I want to apologize to my privilege readers for the previous content which this chapter contained. As I said earlier, my laptop is having some issues. I hope you forgive me for this mistake, I promise to be more careful next time. Keep reading^^

As his words kept rigging in my head, I could only sigh.

I knew I needed to accept this fact about my friend and that was the most annoying thing. I knew I had to believe his words since his eyes and expression shower that it was true but that was what I couldn't just accept the fact that I was hearing these annoying and odd stuffs from my friend.

I couldn't believe that it was my friend that said those awful things to me and I couldn't also believe that I had to accept it whether I liked it or not.

After gazing at his for a while, I just walked past him. My mind couldn't think of a good reply at that moment so I knew ignoring him was the best option.