Chapter 156 Dramatic (VI)

After sitting on a chair opposite him, the place turned silent and knowing this guy, she was sure that he was closely studying her so she didn't dare to even look up.

She just stayed stilled but when the silence was becoming too annoying, she forced her mouth open and spoke.

"Sorry for delaying you. I didn't mean to," She stated managing to raise her head up and the guy sitting besides her lips curved up.

He kept his gaze fixated on her for a while with the place turning silent again.

After a while of gazing at her, he bit his lower lips hard as if he was a refraining himself from bursting into laughter and seeing him that way, Camella could only blink wondering what was funny about what she said.

She was about to speak but the guy who had been biting his lips so hard while gazing at her, spoke first.