The darkness dissipated_ 1

The third generation of time cultivators descended upon the chaos.

However, he was a little unexpected. Although he caused quite a stir, he was humble ...

When they thought of the word 'humble', the group of people felt a little out of place.

The crowd wasn't stupid.

To be able to kill his way out of a new world and become the master of the myriad world, he must be humble ... Perhaps, but he shouldn't be too pedantic. His strength shouldn't be weak either. Otherwise, how could he rise up in the world?

Everyone was still on guard.

Of course, this was due to his strength.

The opponent's strength was on par with Li Hao 's, and today, all the level 9 cultivators had arrived. Huntian was also a top expert, not weaker than the level 9 cultivators at the moment.

But when he felt the power of order returning, he felt a little more at ease.

As long as he could last for a while and become stronger, he would not be afraid even if the other party had a plan.