The Intent of Saber Mountain-splitting Technique

"I never expected that Miss Qin would actually be the person in charge of Chennan Trading Company."

Looking at the woman in front of him up and down, Shen Ling was smiling slightly.

He had originally thought that this woman's identity might not be ordinary, but he never expected that this woman's identity was even higher than that of a regular shopkeeper.

This was unexpected but not too surprising.

There was a smile on Miss Qin's face. "I'm merely managing this branch in Qi Hua City. It's nothing much, really."

Shen Ling nodded his head. "I wonder, has Miss Qin made a decision in regards to my request yet?"

Miss Qing turned to look at Shen Ling and studied him for a good while. "Young Master Shen's request isn't too difficult for Chennan Trading Company. A hundred weapons might be too much for other places, but it's a walk in the park for us."

"However, what kinds of weapons are you planning to buy?"

After all the formalities, they finally got right down to business.

At least, this was what Shen Ling could tell just from hearing this woman's words.

"Ordinary longswords will do."

Shen Ling turned to look at Miss Qin and said in a soft voice.

He had quite a good impression of the longsword since he read the classic novel The Water Margin. Now that he had put it to good use, he felt that the weapon was a very convenient item. It was also very suitable for cultivating the Mountain-splitting Saber Technique.

To add to that, compared to the other weapons the store sold, the longsword was way cheaper.

Miss Qin thought this over for some time.

She looked straight at Shen Ling and said, "How's this, I'll give Young Master Shen a discount for the 100 longswords. Is 200 taels of silver okay with you?"

"That's such a cheap price."

Shen Ling glanced over at Miss Qin.

The Chennan Trading Company wouldn't be losing much money with this discount. But Shen Ling thought Miss Qin must have some sort of ulterior motive for giving him this particular price.

Initially, Shen Ling was planning to spend 500 taels of silver to buy 100 longswords.

He did not expect that Miss Qin would sweeten the pot with an even better deal.

Miss Qin said with a calm expression on her face, "In addition, I'm also willing to sell 100 triple crossbows to Young Master Shen at 300 taels of silver. And the arrows will be my gift to you."

Shen Ling looked at Miss Qin with a calm expression on his face and said, "Nothing in this world is free. Miss Qin, if there's something on your mind, just feel free to say it."

Miss Qin said in a soft voice, "I just want a favor from Young Master Shen. If this little girl were to come across some misfortune in the future, I hope Young Master Shen will be there to help me out in my time of need."

Shen Ling looked at Miss Qin and hesitated for a moment before saying, "It's a deal."

To be honest, Shen Ling had no idea what Miss Qin was planning.

However, she was practically giving away a hundred longswords and triple crossbows. He would be stupid to refuse such a gift.

As for other matters, he could worry about them at a later time.

Although the Shen family was very wealthy, it was not worth the efforts of the Chennan Trading Company to go after them.

The Chennan Trading Company had a small branch in Qi Hua City, and its annual earnings surpassed the Shen family's several times over.

Therefore, barefooted people were not afraid of those wearing shoes.

Shen Ling was not worried about this at all.

After Shen Ling left the store, the shopkeeper of the Chennan Trading Company gave Miss Qin a look and said in a hushed voice, "Miss, he is just a rich kid from a small town. Isn't it a little too risky…"

Miss Qin asked, "Did you know Shen Ling from before?"

The shopkeeper nodded his head very slowly. "Young Master Shen is a lover of books. He comes to the trading company every month to browse through the new titles."

Miss Qin smiled and said, "And what do you think of him now?"

The shopkeeper appeared puzzled. "He doesn't seem all that different, but I did notice that he doesn't read anymore."

Miss Qin kept shaking her head back and forth and said with a hint of disappointment in her voice, "If this were the old Shen Ling, would he go about buying weapons and books on cultivation techniques?"

The shopkeeper shook his head rapidly. "No, definitely not."

Miss Qin said, "The Qi Hua City branch that I work at is the smallest and the income here is the lowest. If I'm not creative, how will I ever be able to win over all these wealthy families and get their businesses?"

The shopkeeper was still looking confused, but he did not question her anymore. He only said word by word, "I just hope that Young Master Shen won't disappoint you."

The shopkeeper did not have much faith in Shen Ling.

Qi Hua City was not small.

However, comparing it to other various cities in the Great Qian Dynasty, Qi Hua City was at the bottom of the barrel.

However, thinking that this amount of money wasn't a huge number, the shopkeeper decided to keep his mouth shut.

If this deal would ensure that Shen Ling bring in more benefits to the branch in the future, then it would be a good thing.

If he didn't fulfill his end of the bargain, they would only lose a few thousand taels of silver.

This was a very small loss.

Shen Ling came back to the Shen family home.

Right up to this moment, he still felt that none of this was real.

Five hundred taels of silver to buy a hundred longswords. And he even got a better deal with the hundred triple crossbows!

The weapons were super useful yet very rare.

But even though he already paid for them, he would have to wait for the goods to be delivered in a few more days.

Shen Ling lay on the sofa, trying to calm his racing heart.

As much as he tried to calm down, his attempts came up fruitless.

After lying down didn't work, Shen Ling was left with no other choice but to get up and start training with his saber. Practicing his saber moves would help him focus, and focus was good for calming himself down.

'You have completed one perfect practice of the Mountain-splitting Saber Technique, proficiency +10.'

'You have completed one perfect practice of the Mountain-splitting Saber Technique, proficiency +10.'

While Shen Ling was deep in his saber training, notifications of perfect practice were constantly popping up one after another.

He completely put them to the back of his mind as he concentrated on his cultivation.

Every move he made with his blade contained the intent of the Mountain-splitting Saber Technique.

He had finally comprehended it!

'You have comprehended the intent of the Mountain-splitting Saber Technique, proficiency +100,000.'

The notification broke through Shen Ling's concentration.

100,000 proficiency points?

Shen Ling studied his information again and found that the status of the Mountain-splitting Saber Technique was already updated.

'Cultivation Technique: Mountain-splitting Saber Technique [rank-seven upper-grade saber technique, level five, proficiency 31250/100000].'

The Mountain-splitting Saber Technique had surpassed the upper limit of level three of the cultivation technique and even reached rank-seven upper-grade cultivation technique.

Shen Ling was stunned.

Was this what they mean when they say 'good things come in pairs'?

There was nothing special about level five of the Mountain-splitting Saber Technique, but by reaching this level, Shen Ling was now able to release Saber Qi just by using the Mountain-splitting Saber Technique.


Shen Ling lashed out with his saber in his hands.

As he swung his longsword, he saw a white saber light flying straight into the sky. It slowly dimmed five meters away and then disappeared entirely when it was about ten meters away.

Shen Ling rapidly blinked his eyes in disbelief.

He had just swung the saber very casually just now. If he used the full will of the Mountain-splitting Saber Technique, the range and power of this saber's Qi would be immense.

He was able to master a killer move just like that.

His understanding of the intent of the saber also grew.

If the Mountain-splitting Saber Technique hadthe intent of splitting the mountain, then did this mean the Longevity Technique also had the intent of longevity?

Shen Ling had this thought while he was cultivating the Longevity Technique at night. However, even though the existence of the intent of longevity was known to him now, he had no clue how to comprehend it.

That night, the wonders of the intent of splitting the mountain opened up to him and showed him new things.

The heavens had blessed him with the ability to comprehend the intent of splitting the mountain.

A few days later.

The first batch of longswords was delivered to the Shen family home. With a total of fifty longswords, the other fifty would enter Qi Hua City at sunset today.

As for the hundred triple crossbows, they still needed to be packaged and it would take a few days before they could be delivered.

Shen Ling examined the longswords and nodded his head in satisfaction.

Although the craftsmanship of these longswords was slightly less and they looked like the work of an apprentice, these blades would do the job nicely.

Moreover, considering how much he paid for them, these longswords were worth every penny.

One word.
