Longevity Inner Energy


It was like all his orifices had opened up. All of a sudden, Shen Ling felt very clear-headed, and his body quivered from top to bottom.

The Longevity Technique had officially reached the fourth level.

His information started to update.

'Perseverance and Hard Work 3.0.'

'Name: Shen Ling.'

'Age: 17.'

'Cultivation Technique: Longevity Technique [rank-seven low-grade cultivation technique, level 4, proficiency 0/50,000].'

'Cultivation Technique: Mountain-splitting Saber Technique [rank-seven upper-grade saber technique, level 5, proficiency 38,850/100,000]'

'Status: Normal.'

At this very moment, Shen Ling was letting the changes of the fourth level of the Longevity Technique wash over him.

Just like with the Mountain-splitting Saber Technique, the fourth level, which did not originally exist in the Longevity Technique, saw an alteration to his system.

The fourth level of the Longevity Technique did not change the body much, and there was no way to gauge the exact value of the increase in one's lifespan.

However, there was one new change once you reached the fourth level of the Longevity Technique.

And that was the birth of the Longevity Inner Energy.

Shen Ling slowly opened his eyes and stared down at the pale green inner energy emanating off his palm. A flash of joy shot through his eyes.

The Longevity Technique was not that strong. Compared to other techniques once you reach the same level, the inner energy that the Longevity Technique emits is much weaker.

However, the Longevity Inner Energy also had its own unique advantage.

The inner energy came with it a vigorous vitality. When this inner energy was stored in the body, it could help speed up the recovery of injuries. Even though the effect of releasing it to the outside world would not be much, this inner energy had healing proponents that could help others.

Shen Ling was very satisfied with this.

He stood up, opened the door, and went out.

This time, he could feel the exuberant life energy coming from the flower and plants and even the withering of a tree nearby.

Taking a look at the dying tree before him, Shen Ling walked over towards it.

He thrust his inner energy into the tree.

The withered tree suddenly came to life with countless tender shoots springing up from its branches. It was no longer dying.

Shen Ling did not have much inner energy stored up in his reserves, so he did not continue to nurture the leaves.

But in Shen Ling's eyes, this experiment was a huge success.

If the tree could be revived in this way, could Master Shen also recover from his illness if some inner energy was injected into his body?

Shen Ling mulled this over some more.

In terms of love and family, Old Master Shen was his father after all. If he could do anything to save Master Shen's life, he would definitely do it.

Shen Ling wanted to postpone taking over the Shen family for as long as possible. The stronger and healthier Master Shen was, the more time he had to do what he wanted.

Pretty soon, Shen Ling was able to recover more inner energy. Shen Ling was feeling a lot better.

He made his way to the main hall, but Master Shen was nowhere to be found.

"Where did the old master go?"

Shen Ling turned to a servant who was busy cleaning the main hall. When the servant saw that it was Shen Ling, he said in a hushed voice, "The old master is currently in the warehouse in the backyard. He just headed there not too long ago."

"Oh, okay." Shen Ling nodded his head. "Thank you so much for your hard work."

"Oh, young master...thank you...that's what I should do..." The servant quickly lowered his gaze to the ground and bowed his head, appearing extremely flattered.

Shen Ling made his way out of the hall.

When he got to the backyard, he could see a servant carrying some luggage and also saw that Master Shen was occupied with looking through the account record books.

"What are you up to?"

Shen Ling went up to Master Shen and looked at the account books Master Shen had in his hands with a curious expression on his face.

Master Shen looked up to see Shen Ling and handed the account book in his hands to him. "I'm going to calculate our monthly expenses right now. Do you want to check my figures?"

Shen Ling glanced up at the sky for an excuse. "Ha, we're having such nice weather today. I think now would be a great time to take a walk."

Hearing him say this, Master Shen took the account book back.

With his pen perched in his hand, Master Shen said unhappily, "If you're not going to help, then please don't stir up any trouble."

"I just came over to check what you were doing."

Shen Jing stopped his dilly-dallying and turned to look at the warehouse. "Are the crossbows here yet? I have yet to see any signs of shipment so far."

"Everything's inside."

Master Shen nodded his head.

He turned to look at Shen Ling and asked with confusion visible in his eyes, "By the way, how did you go about obtaining this batch of triple crossbows? Was it really sent by the Chennan Trading Company?"

The triple crossbows were only capable of shooting three arrows at a time.

But it was still an undeniably fatal weapon.

Master Shen had no idea how Shen Ling was able to get his hands on this kind of hard to attain weapon.

Even more importantly, these triple crossbows were all brand new.

This was altogether too ridiculous.

"They were given to me as a gift."

Shen Ling said in a calm voice.

There was nothing wrong with his words. After all, according to the price he got these items for, it could be said that he was able to come by this batch of longswords for a great deal, but these triple crossbows were more or less handed to him.

"It's perfectly fine if you don't want to come out and say it."

Master Shen did not bring it up again and then began his calculations.

The items stored in the warehouse were calculated by the servants and then written up in a report for Master Shen to look at. Master Shen would use the records from the previous month to calculate the current month's expenses. In this way, he was able to save lots of time and energy.

Shen Ling was startled for a moment there.

He had just told him the truth. Why didn't Master Shen believe him?

Nowadays, it is getting harder and harder to get people to believe that what you're telling them is the truth all along.

After taking inventory of the things in the warehouse, Master Shen turned to look at Shen Ling and said, "By the way, the Qi family wants to treat me to a meal at Qingyun Building tonight. Do you want to come with me?"

Shen Ling thought this over and then shook his head back and forth. "I'm not interested in such things. You can forget about it."

Master Shen said in a slow voice, "I heard that girl from the Qi family is quite good-looking."

With a frown on his face, Shen Ling gave Master Shen a look.

Was he out of his mind? Was he the sort of man who could easily be seduced by a pretty girl?

No kidding!

Women would only slow down his cultivation!

"Tell me, what time is the event tonight?"

Shen Ling turned to ask.

Master Shen gave Shen Ling a calm look and said, "Only the head of the Qi family will attend tonight."

"Don't just say half of what you mean to say."

Shen Ling could not help but sigh.

According to his memories, Master Shen had come across as a very serious person.

Why did it appear like he had somehow changed?

Could it be possible...

That Master Shen had some sort of awakening too? Like, someone had also transmigrated into his body?

Shen Ling shook his head back and forth, tossing this unlikely idea to the back of his mind.

"Elder Young Master."

A servant quickly made his way to the backyard and whispered something into Shen Ling's ear.

Shen Ling immediately got up.

"What's the matter?"

Master Shen turned to look at Shen Ling, whose face saw a dramatic change, and asked.

Shen Ling said with a somber face, "Something happened at the village. I will head there right now."


Master Shen nodded his head.

With a frown on his face, Shen Ling made his way out of the Shen family residence.

This time around, he did not use a carriage as transportation. He got a horse and mounted it.

The horse sped down the road at an extremely fast speed!

In the countryside.

The old village chief stood there in the center of the village and stared down at the corpses in front of him with a very solemn look on his face.

Among those dead were four young men and women from the village and a dozen bandits who had come to rob them.

Even though the young men had fought the bandits back viciously, they still had to pay a very high price.

It cost them four lives from four families.

Wails could be heard filling the air.

The old woman's heart broke in two for her dead child, the middle-aged woman clutched onto her husband's unmoving body, and the children all looked over with very confused looks on their faces.

Every single farmer in the village bowed their heads down. The atmosphere at this moment was extremely downcast.

"Young Master Shen has arrived!"

Upon hearing the sound of horse hooves growing nearer, the young men in the village all immediately lifted their swords into the air, ready to fight again.

However, when they saw that it was Shen Ling heading in their direction, they right away put down sabers.

"Young Master Shen."

When the old village chief saw that it was Shen Ling, he bowed his head down slightly.

"How many people have died?"

Shen Ling dismounted from his horse and right away asked.

The village chief said in a slow voice, "Four. Among them are the Guo family's second and fourth sons, Ge Wu and Er Zhuang."

"That's really too bad."

Shen Ling clenched his teeth and his hands also tightened into fists.

He stared down at the four corpses in front of him, and his eyes were overflowing with rage.