Life Extending Power

Another day had come with the sun rising in the east and the return of the cool autumn air.

Shen Ling rose bright and early and continued training his fierce Regretless Mountain Fist in the yard.

He used his life energy to guide the air, and his Qi soon sank to the level of his Dantian. His chest was light and his abdomen was heavy. Then, he punched the air, and his body moved with the force. When his punch was released, a loud thunderous sound exploded in the space before him.

After that, Shen Ling stepped forward with his right foot, followed by his left foot, and swung his arm out horizontally with the weight of a sledgehammer.

He slashed the air with his fists!

Regretless Mountain Fist, Regretless Mountain Fist.

Shen Ling had no idea what this fist technique was capable of, but every time he threw out a punch, it was squeezing out all the extreme potential inside his body, all for the sake of the constant explosions that would erupt upon the wake of his fists.

Shen Ling had an inkling that this Regretless Mountain Fist was similar to the Mountain-splitting Saber Technique.

If he could combine the aura of the Regretless Mountain Fist with the Mountain-splitting Saber Technique, what effect would it have on his cultivation?

Feeling curious, Shen Ling decided he would give this a try.

He held his saber in his hands, wanting to use the blade to release the aura of the Regretless Mountain Fist.

If he could squeeze out the extreme potential of his body, he would be able to unleash a blade power that surpassed all limits.

Shen Ling waved his saber around, trying to harness the power.

After a few swings, Shen Ling felt as light as a feather.

With this wonderful feeling enhancing his mood, Shen Ling swung his blade around some more. The Qi of the Regretless Mountain Fist began to emerge from his body, and then became one with the blade.

'You have comprehended a new saber technique, proficiency +10,000.'

Shen Ling inhaled deeply and recalled the feeling from before.

He could feel the power of the blade just now. This kind of power was even stronger than what the Mountain-splitting Saber Technique was capable of. It made him feel like just one swing from his blade could cause an entire mountain to shake.

"I'll call this regretless mountain stance!"

Just like that, Shen Ling had a name for this saber technique.

Just like the mountain-splitting stance, mountain-shaking stance, and the Mountain-cleaving stance, Shen Ling chose to name this new style the regretless mountain stance.

At the same time, the regretless mountain stance had officially become his secret weapon. Combined with the energy of the saber, this move was proving to be unstoppable.

Shen Ling closed his eyes to review his information.

'Perseverance and Hard Work 3.0.'

'Name: Shen Ling.'

'Age: 17.'

'Cultivation Technique: Longevity Technique [rank-seven low-grade cultivation technique, Level 4, proficiency: 14,000/50,000]'

'Cultivation Technique: Mountain-splitting Saber Technique [rank-seven upper-grade saber technique, Level 5, proficiency 70,200/100,000]'

'Cultivation Technique: Iron Shirt [rank-nine upper-grade cultivation technique, Level 1, proficiency 700/1,000].'

'Cultivation Technique: Treading on Air [rank-three low-grade cultivation technique, Level 1, proficiency 580/1,000].'

'Cultivation Technique: Regretless Mountain Fist [rank-eight upper-grade cultivation technique, Level 1, proficiency 350/1,000]'

'Status: Normal.'

Shen Ling opened his eyes, feeling very satisfied.

In a relatively short amount of time, he had already mastered five cultivation techniques, and they all had great potential to be unearthed at a later time.

However, he had a problem and that was that he didn't have enough time on his hands.

Initially, Shen Ling thought that he could increase his time of cultivation to resolve this issue. But now, it seemed like this wasn't a plausible solution.

He mulled this over in his head for a long time.

Shen Ling decided he would focus on cultivating the three techniques that could be improved in a relatively short period of time to the third level.

This way, his strength would be able to see a huge leap.

Time passed just like that.

After two days of cultivation, Shen Ling slowly opened his eyes.

In these past two days, he had cultivated these three techniques to the second level, and from what he could see, these three cultivation techniques had more surprises to them than he had ever expected.

When the Iron Shirt reached the second level, his inner energy reserves became more effective. It made Shen Ling, who already had a high defense system, even stronger and more durable.

Shen Ling's body also saw a vast transformation. His muscles bulged from his arms and his strength was 10x stronger as well.

This was the magical proponent of the body strengthening techniques, and the improvement could be seen all around.

The second out of the three cultivation techniques to enter the second level was the Regretless Mountain Fist that Shen Ling had started cultivating not too long ago.

After reaching the second level, Shen Ling discovered more ways to draw out energy from the Regretless Mountain Fist. This method of exerting force was just not limited to the Regretless Mountain Fist. It could be done with the other cultivation methods as well.

The last cultivation technique was Treading on Air.

Even though Shen Ling rarely used this technique, this unusual cultivation technique would still be of great help to him in case of an emergency.

The benefits of entering the second level were very clear. Previously, he could only take one step in the air, but now he could take two steps in the air before falling to the ground.

After releasing the air from his abdomen, Shen Ling finished his training session.

He made his way to the lobby of the Shen family home.

Master Shen saw that it was Shen Ling and looked up to receive him. "The food is ready. When do you plan to deliver it?"

"As soon as possible." Shen Ling nodded his head. "Those bandits are very impatient, but they really have nothing to lose. Miss Qin from the Chennan Trading Company rewarded me with 4,000 taels of silver earlier, so it's more than enough to cover the 9,000 stones of food."

Master Shen stared at Shen Ling in shock and said, "4,000 taels of silver?!"

Shen Ling nodded his head, "Yes, it's true."

After confirming with Shen Ling, Master Shen secretly clicked his tongue.

Since he started this business, the Shen family's grain business did not do too bad, and his annual income was about 2,000 taels of silver. If they were looking at pure profit, it would be even lower.

And what about Shen Ling? How much wealth did he amass?

First, he received a large number of valuable goods from the Green Mountain Village, and then he earned 4,000 taels of silver from the Chennan Trading Company.

Master Shen never expected Shen Ling to turn out to be a business genius!

After regaining his senses, Master Shen let out a long sigh and said, "You're only wasting your talents away by not taking on the family business."

Shen Ling's face remained as calm as ever. "It's only a coincidence."

Master Shen shook his head back and forth and said, "Luck is also a part of it. I know I will leave the Shen family in good hands when I turn it over to you."

Shen Ling gave Master Shen a look and said in a soft voice, "That is not an urgent matter."

All of a sudden, Shen Ling asked again, "By the way, how is your Longevity Technique cultivation going?"

Master Shen shook his head back and forth. "I've seen no signs of progress. It's still the same as ever."

Shen Ling said, "Let me help you."

Under Master Shen's puzzled eyes, Shen Ling made his way to his side and began massaging his shoulders.

Two balls of glowing green inner energy surrounded Shen Ling's palm and entered Master Shen's body along with Shen Ling's strength.

Very soon, Shen Ling had a feeling that something was not right.

There appeared to be a lot of problems with Master Shen's body.

All of his internal organs were failing him, and it appeared that he was beyond cure.

Master Shen had not yet reached his fiftieth year yet, but his body was similar to that of an old man in his sixties or seventies.


Shen Ling rapidly blinked his eyes, and a long stream of inner energy poured forth from his palms.

He still had some inner energy in his body and he planned to use it to save Master Shen.

Two hours passed like this, and slowly Master Shen's hair started to turn from white back to black. All signs of aging had completely disappeared.

"Do you feel the results?"

Seeing that the problems in Master Shen's body were pretty much gone, Shen Ling slowly retracted his hands.

"Oh my…!"

Master Shen opened his eyes and stared down at his arms.

He felt that his body had now returned to its youthful state. He did not feel weak at all.

Master Shen never thought this could be possible.

This Shen Ling was able to extend his life!