Chapter 158: Who Turned Her into a Monster

The girl in bed four was exceptionally beauty-conscious, despite her modest family background. She saved wherever she could, spending her accumulated money on makeup.

There was nothing wrong with loving beauty, yet the more beautiful she became, the more uncomfortable it made her roommates.

Once the footsteps outside had faded, Han Fei pried open the locked cabinet on bed one, uncovering a diary from a pile of old clothes.

It detailed how three girls turned into devils out of jealousy.

In the beginning, they were all ordinary children, no different from one another. But living together, their true characters slowly began to show over time.

The girl in bed four was very gentle; she was comparatively tall among girls her age and always wore a smile on her face.

It all seemed to start with makeup—the girl from bed four scrimped and saved to buy a cheap set of cosmetics, learning from online makeup tutorials.