Chapter 377 There is No Soul of Evil that Dare Not Kill

The Old Ghost's nails were stained with countless Curses, and a mere glance at them was enough to invoke terror.

At this moment, the Old Ghost's fingertips pierced through the boy's red clothes and grabbed onto his collar, fortunately not touching his skin.

An immensely large and terrifying Ghost, holding a child clad in pajamas by the fingertips, made for a bizarre and eerie scene that felt unreal to behold.

The room was covered in blood, as Curses surged against the walls like tides. The broken walls concealed bits of flesh and severed limbs, yet amidst this carnage, the most frightening wails of the Ghost in the room slowed down.

The woman locked onto the Old Ghost's back, looking at her son in bear pajamas, cried out directly. The strong mother yelled unconsciously at her child, "Where did you run off to? I've been looking for you!"