The department store, cloaked in the darkness of night, seemed like a slumbering behemoth, with its sign-bearing entrance resembling the gaping maw of the creature.
Knowing full well he would be swallowed whole, Han Fei still braved his way through the entrance; he had no other choice.
The department store had three entry points named A, B, and C, as well as a dedicated cargo passageway for employees. As night fell, entrances A and B would shut down, leaving only entrance C and the employee passage accessible.
It was entrance C that Han Fei approached, the only place nearby still awash with light.
"Hello, my name is Han Fei, I'm the new..." No sooner had Han Fei entered when he heard the sounds of an argument—two security guards in uniform stood against a wall, as a middle-aged man wearing a store employee badge loudly rebuked them.