With the appearance of that venomous voice, a crowbar headed straight for Shard's head, but even without needing a reminder from the voice by his ear, Iluna, who was behind Shard, caught it.

After finding the switch for the gas lamp, Shard then turned around to look and said helplessly,

"It's really you, I must say, attacking us with a crowbar, who are you underestimating? I thought at least it would be a gun."

The one trying to attack them was Toby Julian, which was entirely expected.

"I don't have a firearm license, can't buy a gun. You..."

Mr. Julian, surprised, looked towards the two, trying to pull the crowbar from Iluna's hand, but instead, Iluna snatched the crowbar away. The seventeen-year-old girl lifted her right leg, bent the iron crowbar with force, and then casually threw it behind her into the corridor.

Not only was Mr. Julian scared, but Shard was too.