Fighting a Pack of Wolves Alone

The director was in a better mood, and the surrounding teachers instantly felt the dark clouds disperse. Then they continued watching the footage, speaking in twos and threes.

Meanwhile, the pack of Explosive Wolves had already surrounded Moss as a level seven wolf howled at the sky. The pack members became excited, bending down and lowering their heads. Then they bared their fangs and glared at Moss with glowing red eyes, ready to pounce at a moment's notice.

Several Explosive wolves growled and charged toward Moss. They moved swiftly as a few gray shadows appeared. The sudden movement on the screen aroused a heated discussion from the audience.

"That level seven Explosive wolf should be the pack leader, and its howl seems to possess magical powers. The other wolves were triggered when they heard it, and their combat strength increased. Senior Moss is in grave danger!"