The First Test Summary Conference

Moss arrived at White Deer High's grand hall the following morning. The school would only use this place for significant events, proving that the higher-ups valued the test summary conference greatly.

Moss was forty-five minutes early to the test summary conference when he arrived at the grand hall. Nonetheless, more than half of White Deer High's students had already arrived.

Several students poured into the grand hall through the four doors and found their seats. The students looked at the stage expectantly and whispered amongst themselves.

When one of the students found his seat, he started talking to another student in a low voice, "Hey, the lineup looks intimidating. Is the test summary conference happening here?"

"Yeah, it seems that this test is crucial. Oh, have you heard the news? A grade two student from class two took first place in the Mystic Realm and even defeated the Mystic Realm Boss!" The student widened his eyes and spoke with envy.