The Team That Everyone Was Looking At

Meanwhile, in White Deer High's preparation room, Na'er and the teachers sat with the participants, studying their plans for the competition. Everyone had serious expressions on their faces.

The physical education teacher read the rankings given by this year's general meeting based on the registered teams and their personal information.

"First place: Number Two High's Super Whirlwind team, led by Captain Miller."

"Second place: Number Five High's Crimson Fire team, led by Captain Turner."

"Third place: Number Four High's Mighty Wind team, led by Captain Evan."

"Fourth place: Number Six High's Invisible team, led by Captain Mitchell."

"Fifth place: Number Three High's Youth Force team, led by Captain Voss."

"Eighth Place: Our very own Captain Mill's team."

"Thirty-second place: Moss's team."

Before the physical education teacher could finish, the participants had already expressed their dissatisfaction.