Team Mystic Realm Competition, the Final Battle

As everyone actively prepared for the third and last stage of the mission, a crisp mechanical voice echoed throughout the waiting hall.

"Contestants, the tier-three mission area has opened. Please enter the area according to the Spatial Rift number on your tablets."

"Everyone has ten minutes to rest. The timer will start after ten minutes, regardless of whether you've entered your mission area."

"I wish you all good luck!"

Then the two doors of the mission area slowly closed. The four teams in the waiting hall immediately opened their mission tablets and looked at their tier-three missions.

When they saw their mission, the Youth Forces widened their eyes and exclaimed, "This mission is insane! As expected of the third stage of the competition."

"This doesn't seem like something we should face, right?!"

"Yeah, this mission is too difficult for us since we're sophomores."