The Situation Is Grim!

The scene in White Deer City was beautiful and charming when the lights were on. The brightly lit stadium was one of the most dazzling throughout the city.

Although the individual Player Kill competition matches had ended, the spectators waited in their seats for the final list of the top thirty-two.

A moment later, the exciting footage on the screen disappeared. Then the words "Top Thirty-two" flashed on the screen, followed by the thirty-two contestants' names.

The audience immediately became excited when they saw their favorite participants on the screen.

"Yes! Miller got twelve points and is the undisputed leader of the group!"

"You're so excited. A few participants got first place in their groups too."

"Look at the Knight in group twenty-five. He won all of his matches. He even defeated the popular Deng Lun in his last match!"

"Exactly! That's just unbelievable. A Knight defeated a Holy Alchemist!"