We Won Again! Number Two High Is Nervous

After a long day of waiting, the final thirty-two elimination round of the individual Player Kill competition was finally about to begin.

The organizing committee reduced the initial sixteen arenas down to four to increase the exposure of each match. The screen was also divided into four windows, showing the four arenas.

The screen replayed footage of the previous exciting scenes in slow motion as a highlight reel. At that time, the spherical drones reported the schedule for today's competition.

"The morning portion of the individual Player Kill competition will occur in the upper half of Zone A1, A2, B1, and B2. The afternoon portion will occur in the lower half of those four zones. Each contestant can call a drone or get information on their scheduled fights through their ID cards."

While the drones announced the competition schedule, the one hundred and twenty-eight eliminated participants followed the drones to their pre-selected viewing area.