Epiphany! Class-Change Again!

At that thought, Moss carefully counted the shields and stopped at 223, meaning his level on the potential index was currently between 1.3 to 1.4.

The 0.3 to 0.4 increase was essential to Moss, especially in the first thirty minutes when he fully utilized his Power of Faith. However, all good things must come to an end.

A moment ago, Moss was happily mending his shields every 200 seconds. Only a few minutes had passed, yet the time limit for each shield to shatter had decreased.

Still, Moss muttered, "Looks like I can't just sit around mending shields all day."

With that, Moss's battle awareness increased exponentially.


Moss shouted and rushed out of the barrier to fight the wolf pack. After a series of attacks, his shields' effectiveness restabilized, and signs of their endurance improving became more apparent.