Combat Assessment!

After a full twelve hours, all 866 students had completed the basic ability test, and the first day of assessments ended smoothly. Still, the students waited for the instructors to announce the final results on the training grounds.

"Hey, the final results are in!" Someone among the students shouted, and everyone looked at the massive screen.

"1st place: A-110."

"Basic ability test: 28.6 points. Level test: 20 points. Final results: 48.5 points. Current level: 21."

A-110 was currently the highest level among all the students, and when the instructor announced his results, the training ground exploded with heated discussions.

"A-110 is invincible! He got 1st place in two individual events and 2nd in one today!"

"What rank do you think B-666 will be?"

"That's hard to say. Although B-666 placed 1st in the strength and defense tests, his speed and agility are lacking."