The Stubborn Donkey Mice’s Tunnel System!

The squad looked toward 11 o'clock and saw a one-and-a-half-meter-wide hole in the grass.

"Considering the environment and the hole size, it's highly likely this is where the Stubborn Donkey Mice live. I wonder if they are still here," Mill quietly said as she looked into the hole.

The squad nodded in agreement.

"Let's start investigating." Moss carefully moved forward, wanting to see if their surroundings had more valuable information.

The squad members had gathered new data after a while.

"Captain, reporting in. I found another hole of the same size about 30 meters away from the previous location."

"I found some Stubborn Donkey Mice feces. It seems they came here three days ago."

"Moss, there's a Stubborn Donkey Mouse skeleton here," Alan surprisedly reported.

Soon after, the squad members quickly arrived at Alan's marked location.