The Mysterious and Luxurious Secret Base

When Mill found out her father was not home, she was like a horse that had broken free from its rein, celebrating wantonly.

Fox approached Mill and reminded her in a low voice, "Miss Mill, Young Master Moss is still around. You should…"

"It's okay. Moss will just pretend he didn't see anything. I believe he won't tell anyone about my reaction either, right, Moss?" Mill looked at Moss with crescent moon-like eyes, so cute that one could not possibly resist.

"Yeah, I'll just keep what I saw in my heart," Moss said faintly, then locked his gaze onto Fox. He realized how quickly Fox caught up to Mill.

Moss knew how fast Mill was, but he did not expect an old butler like Fox to be even faster.

Fox noticed Moss looking at him and thought Moss was shocked by Mill's behavior, so he repeatedly saluted and said, "I'm sorry, Young Master Moss. I've made a fool of myself!"