Who Will Be the Winner?

"Shanghai Institute doesn't lack learning resources!" Teke's body trembled as he sneered, "We can also offer what Shuimu Institute has. In addition, we will provide you with a high-level set of equipment."

Afterward, he looked at Connie smirkingly. The other seven could not help but discuss in shock when they heard that.

"That set of equipment will suit Moss and the S-grade learning resources. It's like adding wings to a tiger."

"How are we supposed to challenge that?!"

They knew how influential the Big Three were, but they did not expect their offers to be so ridiculous. The other seven looked at Sofia because she was the only one who had yet to make an offer.

They knew Kyoto Institute would not shrink from an honest challenge, mainly because they were the number one institute in the country. The others were even more curious about what kind of offers she would make.