The Unfathomable Hearts of Men!

Moss stared at the hunchbacked man and asked, "What do you want for that crystal?"

"I want 50 points or the resources you've collected!" The hunchbacked man smiled sinisterly and extended his hand toward Moss as he spoke. "What do you have? I'll appraise them for you."

"Here, this is all I have." Moss opened a package and handed it to the hunchbacked man as he spoke.

The hunchbacked man took the package and opened it, using his fingers to pull it back and forth a few times. When he saw a purple crystal, his eyes shone brightly.

He suppressed his excitement and said sternly, "The quality of your crystals is average. You can at most exchange them for only one of mine." As he spoke, he took out another green fluorescent crystal, only half the size of the previous one. Moreover, it only had a faint red glow.