Where Did It Go?

Many Buried City members gathered in NX cafe, talking and looking at the screen. The atmosphere was very relaxed.

"Stuart and his group are going all out, huh?" A man with a handlebar mustache said when he saw the report on the big screen.

A tall man opposite the mustache man was also surprised. "I didn't expect that old fox to be ranked first in the mission's first two stages!"

"That's strange. Why did Stuart and his gang stop pretending this time?!"

"They've put all their cards on the table!"

"No, that guy is brilliant. Based on my understanding of Stuart, he will continue to lie low."

The members in NX cafe saw the latest mission rankings and started discussing the rankings enthusiastically.

Suddenly, a doubtful voice sounded from the southeast corner, "Name Stolen has disappeared from the rankings. It wouldn't be so lively today if he didn't accept this mission!"