Cosmo’s Influence

When the Buried City members heard that someone had completed the King of the Land mission, they started speculating about who was the one who killed the S-rank Mutant T-rex.

"Is there any doubt about this?! Cosmo must've been the one who killed the T-rex!"

"Cosmo is mighty!"

"Not necessarily. I heard Cosmo wasn't the first to enter the mission's final stage."

"Tsk! Someone else entered the final stage before Cosmo? Wasn't Cosmo in the lead before that?!"

"We still don't know yet. The people who relayed the mission's progress and information didn't have enough points to enter the final stage."

"I think Stuart, King Guo, was the one who killed the S-rank beast. That guy is cunning and rushed to the front to receive a steady stream of points at the start. Then he just sat back and saved his strength later on. Although I despise his way of doing things, it suits the King of the Land mission.