You Have No Right to Speak if You Don’t Put It Into Practice!

The two presidents of the Fire Dance Combat Club and Development Club agreed without hesitation. The speculating students were thoroughly jealous as their voices of doubt rose and fell.

A red-haired, fair-skinned, and muscular student behind Noel shouted sternly, "Why can Moss get close to the combat club without waiting for the second selection round?"

His name was Anjiro, one of Noel's loyal followers. He noticed his boss's displeasure earlier, so he could not let go of this opportunity.

"That's right. Why is Moss allowed to join two clubs?" A short student beside Anjiro echoed as he stared at Moss with a pair of eagle-like eyes.

The others also expressed their doubts since Noel's followers took the lead. As the doubtful voices sounded, two strange voices spoke almost simultaneously, "With strength!"