The Almighty GPA!

The students immediately quieted down when they heard "the most important point." With 108 pairs of eyes focused on Becky, she became the center of attention again.

Becky enjoyed the crowd's attention. She looked at Moss and Armand, saying excitedly, "Speaking of GPA, let's start with the challenge just now."

"It's already getting exciting. Excellent!" The students' cheers sounded from below the podium.

Becky gestured downward and said slowly, "It's a challenge, so I think you've all guessed it. Your student numbers are based on your results in the college entrance exams.

"When Armand challenged Moss just now, he most likely had doubts about Moss's ranking, which is normal. However, Armand is probably not the only one who doubts Moss's ranking.

"Still, I want you all to know that your student IDs are just codenames. It only represents your past. What represents your present and the future is GPA!"