Not a Small Matter!

After eating, Moss looked at his watch and realized it was 1 pm. He did not return to his dorm to rest—instead, he walked around the Development Club's exhibition hall.

Although it was an exhibition hall, one could call it a super large museum. It was a magnificent classical Chinese-style building that stood majestically in the east of Kyoto Institute.

The entire exhibition hall expanded to 250,000 square meters, and its interior was 100,000 square meters wide. The Development Club's exploration activities over the years were on display there.

There were also various minerals, gemstones, animals, magical beast specimens, and fossils, alongside various representative cultural relics from different eras.

Jonya had brought Moss there once when he first came to Kyoto, but he could only take a cursory look at that time. However, he felt surging emotions when he revisited the exhibition hall.