Entering the Magical Beast Emergency Defense Center for the First Time!

Moss followed the people from the EDC for less than an hour, but the news had already spread throughout Kyoto Institute's campus.

The leaders of the EDC had invited him, but several versions of this news spread throughout Kyoto.

Version one was that Moss committed a crime and got taken away by the EDC, so he probably would not return for a while. The second version was that the EDC requested Moss's help and even sent a staff member to pick him up.

There were many other versions of this story, but no matter which it was, it was all well and good.

The news concerning Moss caused a stir in the school, but as the main character in those stories, he did not know that this matter would have such a strong reaction on Kyoto's campus.

The EDC headquarters was in the western part of Kyoto, and it was a representative building that resembled the God of War on the 29th floor.