From the Top 16 to the Top 8! The First Team Match!

It was the day the judges would select the top 8 of the 16 for the national first- and second-year student exchange competition.

The Shenlu Martial Arts Arena, which could accommodate 100,000 people, was already full of people early in the morning. The top 8 from the top 16 also began the team battle competition.

A single ten-on-ten match would decide the victor, making the competition even more exciting and enjoyable. It was 9 am when the top 16 teams appeared at the arena's center.

On the only remaining ring, a loud drum sounded. When the drum beats ended, Aurora's magnetic voice echoed, "Good Morning, dear audience and friends! Firstly, let us give warm applause to the top 16 teams in this competition!"


With extended thunderous applause, the names of the top 16 universities appeared on the big screen one after another: