Unharmed Domain, Awakened!

Moss felt more relaxed after chatting with Duke. He was about to turn on his computer when something exciting happened.

The system sounded in his mind, "Congratulations, you've displayed your Knight's spirit in the battle against Magical Beasts and raised your spiritual power's level halfway through a mid-level powerhouse.

"You will receive ten obsidian crystals, red venus crystals, topaz crystals, blue electric crystals, twenty lucky potions, and a new unsealing message for each of your five profession changes."

'My spiritual power has reached the middle stage of the mid-level powerhouse.'

"A new message has appeared for all the profession evolution directions." Upon hearing the system's notification, the initially sleepy Moss was wide awake. His eyes were constantly flickering with a bright light.

Even in the dead of night, he could not help but clench his fists and whisper, "This is simply too awesome."