Day of the party II

The flowers in the garden looks beautiful but Ren doesn't have time to compliment them. It's been a while since Ren ran around to find the sound that she's looking for.

'Maybe i was just imagining things?..' Ren thought to herself. She was about to go back when she heard a singing voice but this time it was nearer and clearer than the last time. Ren paused her steps to listen.

Ren didn't know why but the voice was so soothing to listen and she felt something she couldn't explain. Ren slowly walks towards the source of the sound and found a girl sitting on a bench with her eyes closed, she was singing and as the wind blows, her long and light pink hair slightly similar to Ain flows with it.

Ren couldn't take another step looking at this beautiful scenery. It seems like the girl noticed her presence, she then stopped singing and opened her eyes "Hmm?". Her eyes we're also the same color as her hair, her eyelashes were long and curly.

Ren opened her mouth and couldn't speak for a moment "Well uhm i heard your voice and i think it sounds beautiful. I wonder if i can listen to you more? I am Ren Lenxington by the way, nice to meet you" Ren smiled while looking at her.

The girl thought for a moment "It was very embarrassing but...Sure!" The girl smiled brightly but at the same time it looked soft. 'cute...' Ren thought to herself.

"You can also sit beside me by the way" Ren nodded and sat on the same bench as the girl but she sat at the furthest spot she could sit on.

"Why are you sitting there? You can sit closer you know?" The girl laughed softly looking at Ren.

'Even if you ask me that i also don't know why i'm sitting this far...' Ren thought to herself and looked away "This spot feels nice so please don't mind me...uhm?" The girl made and 'oh!' sound.

"Pardon my Rudeness, I think we're the same age so just call me Lia uhm...Just Lia!" Ren slightly tilted her head to the side and nodded while smiling softly "Alright then, Nice to meet you Lia".

'Lia, Lia, Lia....' Ren repeated to herself to not forget the girl's name. "Nice to meet you too Ren" The girl also smiled at Ren.

"By the way Ren, you're a girl right?" Lia looked at Ren and blinked twice. "Well yeah and how did you know?" Ren asked. Usually everyone mistook Ren for being a boy because of how she looks or dressed.

Lia put a finger on her chin and looked up trying to think "Well...I just thought that you looked so beautiful compared to the boys that i saw so far and you also looked cute?"

Lia stopped looking up and looked at Ren who's face is kind of red. Ren was covering half of her face with her wrist. When their eyes met, Ren's eyes looked away and Lia had question marks above her head.

"Are you okay? I'm so sorry if i made you uncomfortable..." Lia looked down then Ren shook her head "No...It's just that nobody told me that i looked cute and beautiful before so...I think i'm kind of embarrassed?..." Ren tried to calm herself down and stopped covering her face.

Ren smiled looking at Lia and still slightly embarrassed "Thank you for the compliments Lia" Lia also looked at Ren while smiling and nodding.

The two of them talked for quite some time and Ren also listened to Lia's singing. After singing the two talked to each other again.

"Reeen! Where areee youuu?" A shouting voice of Leo sounded then Ren looked at Lia "I think they're looking for me...I hope we could still talk to each other some time?..." Lia smiled at Ren "If fate allowed us to then sure".

'fate huh?' Ren shook her head while smiling "Okay then!" Ren turned around to leave but she turned her head back to look at Lia for the last time, she was kind of reluctant to leave for some reason.

When she saw Lia waving at her while smiling, Ren was happy in her heart. She turned around to leave and go to where Leo and the others were.

"Where have you been Ren?! You've been gone for a long time and we're so worried you know??" Leo said while shaking Ren's shoulder who is just staring at him.

"Sorry if i made you all worried, especially you Leo. I met someone so uhm we kind of talked to each other?..." Ren said while smiling gently and softly, her smile was different from all the gentle smiles that Leo saw from Ren and he was dumbfounded.

It's not just Leo who is dumbfounded but even Selena who came with Leo. Angel wore the thing similar to a sunglasses to protect her eyes from Ren's bright smile. Selle and Zen put a hand on their chins to analyze the situation.

Leo let go of Ren's shoulder and nodded, still dumbfounded "I see? I think our parents are looking for us so let's all head back inside shall we?"

All of them nodded in agreement and went back inside. Leo, Selena and Angel went somewhere first so Selle, Zen and Ren were left.

Ren didn't know what to say but Zen was the first one to initiate a conversation "I heard that the royal family also came in this party? I guess it's just a rumor?" Zen said looking around.

Selle nodded with Zen's statement "Selle also heard that rumor, What Selle meant was that Duke Beckham and the King were cousins right?"

Ren looked at the two of them "Then that means Leo also have a royal blood?" Selle and Zen nodded in sync then Ren was kind of surprised but she just nodded "I see"

'I wonder what does the King looked like?' Ren thought to herself.

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Author: The next chapter will still take place in this party or banquet so please look forward to it :3