Ain's Avoidance II

Ren opened the door and let Ain in. Ain now was currently standing near the shelves and Ren approached her but Ain was looking down and not giving her a look

"Ain" Ain looked up and look at her but she seems uneasy "Yes young master?..."

They're currently only one step away from each other and Ren was currently looking at Ain seriously while Ain was feeling nervous and flustered, her ears were also tainted in pink.

"Did I do anything wrong?" Ain blinked twice and was puzzled "Huh?"

Ren scratched her cheek with her index finger then her eyes looks away "You've been avoiding me recently so I was wondering why or if I did anything wrong..." She turned her eyes back to Ain who's not responding for a while.

"You did nothing young master and sorry if I made you worried but I'm not avoiding you on purpose" Ain said while waving both of her hands, trying to assure Ren and she's also smiling apologetically.

"Are you sure?" Ren asked, wanted to make things sure.

Ain nodded while smiling "Yes...I just didn't know how to face young master ever since that night, I hope you understand" Ain looked down on the floor and her face was blushing lightly.

Ren thought for a moment 'Maybe the reason why she's avoiding me is because I scared her that night and knowing that it's me, she can't face me at all! Ugh! I should've been more considerate'. Ren chuckled softly and sighed in relief "I see, I'm glad to know that you're not mad or anything!"

Ren approached Ain and hugged her. For Ren, Ain is like a special friend who she sees like a family or a little sister even though they're just the same age "If I ever wrong you in the future, don't ever hesitate to tell me okay?"

Ain who got suddenly hugged was surprised and flustered at the same time. She felt that her face heating up right now. Ain didn't know if she should hug Ren back or would it be too shameless if she hugged back but in this position right now, she doesn't feel uncomfortable with the hug or anything, she actually likes it very much. Ain's head was leaning on Ren's shoulder and she could smell Ren's calming and relaxing scent.

"I-I promise!" Ain answered Ren's question. She's sure that Ren will not do anything to hurt nor wrong her but she still promised.

Ren smiled happily and slowly let go of the hug "Great!" The happiness in her voice could be heard and Ain was at lost for a moment but she also smiled looking at her young master who's smiling happily and she couldn't help but also be happy.


A person with black hair and black outfit's currently walking in the streets, she looks quite young but she looks like she's an adventurer because of her outfit. Other's might've mistaken Ren as a boy because of her short hair but she doesn't mind at all Ren entered the adventurer's Guild.

She's never been inside the adventurer's guild before but today she decided to sign up to be an adventurer. Ren also sold another gemstone similar to the last one she sold.

Inside the guild there are lots of people talking to each other, some of them we're drinking while some of them are looking for quests they could take from the request board.

Ren's robe have a hood but she doesn't wore it on her head. With a facemask on her face, the person at the counter who's like managing the guild at this moment can only see half of Ren's face.

"I would like to register as an adventurer please" The woman thought that Ren looks young but she wasn't surprised or anything at all. There are lots of young people around Ren's age who joins the adventurer's guild to work and earn money so it wasn't new to her anymore.

The lady handed a form with a smile "Please answer this form first and it'll cost two silvers for registration" Ren nodded and handed 2 silver coins at the lady.

Looking at the form, Ren answered the questions first such as can she use magic or not then she came back at the top where she's supposed to put her name 'Name huh...I haven't thought of one yet, Should I use an alias like Batman or something? That's too cringey and childish hmm...'

It took Ren for a while then she wrote "Andromaleus Draven" She also concealed her gender and pretended to be a boy.

After giving back the form, the lady looked at it for a second "Please wait here for a moment until we process your papers and adventurer tag" The lady said with a smile on her face.

Ren nodded and walked towards a table with no people sitting and took a seat on one of the chairs. She looks around and the see the cheerful and noisy atmosphere here in this guild.

While she was sitting she felt like someone was about to grab her shoulder and as a past hitman she subconsciously grabbed the hand, pulled it as he smoothly stand up to the side, making the person to be pulled down towards the table and aim the knife hidden in the sleeves of her robe on the neck of the owner of the hand.

Ren shook her head and immediately come back to her senses, she subconsciously followed her instinct just now leading the poor person infront of her to be scared and tear up.

"Oh uhm...Sorry, I didn't meant to..." She let go of the terrified person. The boy who was suppressed by Ren started to cry and shook his head.

"I-it's okay" he sobbed "It's my fault for suddenly touching you without calling you out" The boy wanted to stop crying but he himself couldn't stop due to the pressure he just felt, he thought he would die earlier that he almost peed his pants.

After ten minutes, the boy finally calmed down "My name's Leonard, nice to meet you!" The boy with light brown hair and black eyes bowed.

"Andromaleus, Andromaleus Draven and it was nice to meet you too" Leonard gave a smile towards Ren like a puppy.

"Are you a new adventurer?" Ren nodded then answered "But I'll only take and do quests at night. Its too inconvenient for me during daytime"

"I see! I see! Perfect timing!" Ren blinked twice "Well you see, were planning on going to the dungeon tomorrow to kill some monsters. Are you interested in joining us?" Ren thought for a moment and shook her head.

"Maybe next time" Leonard smiled cheerfully and nodded giving Ren a thumbs up "Alright then!" Leonard left to do some quest and Ren also went to the counter to take her adventurer's tag.

"Congratulations sir Andromaleus! You're now an F rank adventurer" The lady said with a smile on her face.

Ren smiled under her mask as she looked on her tag then she looked at the lady "Thank you".

After recieving her tag, Ren went to the request board and search for quests she could do "Thankfully mother and father's not home. For now my adventure begins" Ren smiled while holding the paper she grabbed from the request board.


Author's Note

Alright folks that's the end of Volume 1! I hope you like it and I'll stop updating for now to take a break. I'll start posting the Volume 2 for this novel next week! I hope you'll still wait and read the next volume ( ꈍᴗꈍ)(。•̀ᴗ-)✧


Also feel free to read my other novel if you're interested. My other novel's called "Surviving The Zombie Apocalypse With My Cheat System".That's all and thank you (。・ω・。)ノ♡