~the same day 6pm~
i was paddleing for like 3-4h and no island was in the sight of my eye i hoped for some small uninhabited island like the one most mc's of diferent storys get but yeah my plans most likely dont go like i want them to go.
my survival skills are pretty good after my mother was attacked from my father the lokal woman helping organisation helped our family and brought us in a woman-savehouse they would provide a house and child care programms like tripps to farms and camping in the woods like boy/girl-scout and my grandparents mother site had a chicken and fruit farm plus through my apprenticeship as a chef i learnd cooking while my father was a butcher and would go fishing with us before he started drinking, so i know most Tricks how to survive in the wild, how to rise animals and most importantly how to butcher animals, so food, water and light injuries are no problem for me.
"haah now that i think about it my childhood was realy good man, how school destroyed every thing." i exklaimed you must know that school in germany is mostly free but wat you learn doesn't help you one bit if you want to do a craft profession like chef or do your taxes, plus the many bullys that would pick on you just because you like anime and games man the early 2thousends were a dumb year.
i was a realy bright child every day holding a friend-book in my arms and asking if one wants to be my friend, but some jerk named matt just started a Flashmob afte pointing out that i was picking my nose you know some thing 80% of children do and it started 4 years of bullying they long forgot why they were picking on me and just done it for fun and so my self esteem lit under it and i just didn't care for people that are not family anymore and so my talking skills degressd well i know how to talk to people from 6-20 years old because i interact with my sisters friends but i never realy talked to people older much exept at work but that doesn't help in geting friends.
and so the only friend that i had was was an idiot named Andre, man was he an idiot wen i first meet him in the work-school we were, in the same Chef class and man he boiled the Chicken insted pan frying it at the middterm test, later he worked at Michelin at a Wearhouse as an forklift driver because he had zero talent as an Chef and has a personality like luffy but not as hyperaktiv as him.
You know andre lived in the ghetto of my city and had many drug taking friends and with his personality he naturaly startet to take drugs good thing is that we could stop him on weed so that he didn't get in much problems with the police...
~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~
as i was thinking about life the sky slowly became dark wich i would normaly ignore but my newly geined animal sense picked up that the air shanged so i looked up seeing that the seaguls start flying low and in the opposite direction in there i'm going so the only thing that would hapen is me stright up driving in to a storm and as all of you know crazy things happen in storms in the one piece world.
so i now paddleing as fast as possible in the direction where the seaguls escaped to while theclouds behind me slowly but stedily creeping its way to me.
after 30min nonstop paddleing the sea suddenly got wild and i could do nothing but to grip the chest in there the fruit is and the small part of wood that is left of my raft with my life and hope i land on some island like zeff and sanji did before my sight got black.
~3th POV~
the storm held on for 2 days and drove luka all the
way to an small uninhabitated island wile clutching the small chest as if his life dipendet on it.
this island span roughly 1km had little bit of fauna
and the coast of this island is a little hotspot for fish.