Chapter 23: Bloodbath



I know that Baekhyun is smart but I can't seem to not get nervous as I was waiting for good timing to get out of our own cell. I already opened the cell but it's not noticeable. We are just waiting for the person who sends us cold food to finish his work and there would be no problem anymore after we cut his throat.

"Kai, go to the east, Tao and Sehun go to the front. The rest, stay in here so that it wouldn't be too risky. They have our weapons and they are armed. I don't want you facing them weaponless." I spoke lowly before prying on the moldy keyhole of this rot smelled cell.

"If you encounter these people, don't hesitate to kill them. Don't. Hold. Back." I warned, eyeing all of them. I knew these people, they could take down these rotters easily but I don't trust them dealing with human lives.

"Use these to attack." I handed them the thin iron sticks that I have secretly torn from the destroyed metal bedpost. At least we are not weapon naked from these monsters.

"They are monsters and they will kill you if you don't finish them faster," I mumbled.

"Go," I whispered before making an opening of the metal bar. It made a heavy metal sound due to the rust and cold but it didn't have much noise because of the rotters in other cells.

The rest stayed as I told them while we got to where we have to be.

Tao is good at being sneaky and being unnoticed in times of situations like this. He could take down rotters in the back of their head without them noticing because he was light and he could manipulate his toes and ankles in moving without any much noise. He also moves fast and his eyes are sharp, plus he's a taekwondo expert and so I ordered him to open all the cells that had people inside.

Kai is good at taking down large bodies and Sehun is great at attacking with his bare hands.

I was crouching on the ground and tried to search any possible passageway where Baekhyun was possibly led but all I could see are passages that had dark hallway endings.

I turned to the left after a good straight pathway and saw that someone is coming with heavy footsteps.

One of the men pointed a gun at me and hit me with a bat in the face when I fought back in the prison.

I sneaked backward behind the corner and just listened to the heavy footsteps that his boots making on the wet slippery floor.

Before he knows it, my left arm has already been hooked under his chin and my right is on top of his nape, quickly twisting his neck before he even made a sound.

"No one dares to point a gun at me, let alone hit me." I spat before collecting his weapons.

I collected CM901 and MK14 guns and slung them on my back. I also fetched two army knives and a bag that had sorts of reliable things inside it. Taking off my clothing, I began taking his camouflage uniform, all in all, leaving him there naked as I wore his attire.

Tao approached me.

"Done. All of them are released." Tao reported.

"Here take this with you, and give this weapon to Luhan, he's good at it. Tell Kris to assist Xiumin and Suho to lead the passages and make sure everything is safe." I ordered and he nodded, taking the weapons.

"Hey, put out this body first." I pointed at the open-lidded dead corpse on the floor.

He nodded once more, sinking a knife on its head, "Gotta make sure." He mumbled before dragging the body inside an empty cell.

"How about you?" He asked.

"I need to find Baekhyun. Brace yourselves there will be lots of them coming." I warned before going forward.

I am starting to lost track of the multiple passages and with every tick of a second, I am begun to felt worried about Baekhyun.

With the clothes I am using, I could use it to deceive the guards on every post so when I spotted one, I just walked casually but when I walked past him, I swiftly sunk a knife on the back of his throat, making him gurgle on their blood without even struggle.

After I took down three posts easily, the alarms started ringing up with its bright red lights flashing on and off.

I felt alarmed because I made sure to kill anyone I spot on the way.

I happened to be in a crossing passage, so I looked from the left and when I'm about to look to my right, I got a glimpse of movement but the moment I brought my hand to point a gun at the person, its blade is already inches away from my bare neck ready to be cut in half.

"Don't even think about it." He spoke but I gasped when I heard the voice.

"Baekhyun?" I asked, still frozen because of the sword in front of me.

"Chanyeol? Fuck, I almost killed you!" He spoke and he grabbed the military hat on my head rather harshly and saw me clearer.

I just watched him as he set low his Samurai sword. His Thick cloaked hood is back with him. But he was splashed with blood, fresh red blood. Human blood.

"What happened? Are you hurt?" I think I got him off guard when I hugged him tight so I pulled away immediately.

"Yeah, I'm good. I got easy on the head of this system." He smugly grinned. Hmmm... Looks could be and always were, deceiving.

"It's everyone's fault, underestimating me is a ticket to death." He stated, swinging his sword.

"Someone punched the alarm button on the control center. We should head on the others." I suggested.

"I had 17 heads." He spoke casually like these people are rabbits.

"I had 12," I responded. How did he do that? He used his deceiving tactics to kill. Of course, who would think he could kill? He's just so damn small.

"A couple more," I added before checking my ammo.

"Let's go. I killed everyone in my path. By the way, here are your guns and pretty much everyone's weapon." He stated before I realized he'd been carrying Jongin's X-bow and a couple of large guns which belong to the group.

When we ran towards the control center, we are stopped when we saw the last drop of the enemies. And then realized that all the captives are being grouped in the middle of the square conference floor.

"Let me deal with the bitches." I heard him say darkly before grabbing a smoke bomb on his side and pulling the ring out of it before throwing it on the center even without me responding.

The surrounding started foggily and then got thickened with the gas smoke.


e jumped on the railings down the first floor with his Samurai blade in both of his hands and charged. He is stunning, his sword is like an extension of his arm as he swiftly used it against cutting body parts without mercy.

Before I could react, I started shooting the man that is distracted by the smoke.

And before I know, the smokes are already evaporated and all I could see is Baekhyun slashing them with his sword into three parts.

I shot the unarmed strangers in the skull but I couldn't seem to focus because everywhere Baekhyun stomps on is already soaked in blood.

"Are you scared of shooting them?" I heard Baekhyun mocked as I looked in front where the girls who are the comrades of the monsters.

They looked tough at first but when Baekhyun threw the filthy leader's head in front of them, they shrieked knowing that no one is coming for them anymore.

"We are not going to fight anymore! This isn't our choice!" One shrieked as she backed away with the others.

"I'll kill this bastard if you move one step closer." One dared to threaten as she pointed a shaking gun at Jongin who was shot on his right leg.

"Kill him and I'll kill you. That's how this game works. If you could be monsters, why can't we?" Baekhyun spoke with his eyes sharp. Flickering in the cold place.

"Your team told me that you need to become a monster to survive," he muttered calmly.

"Now, I'm being one." Everyone became silent. Even I got silenced because I couldn't bring to lift a weapon on a girl that easily. I may be a badass and a killer but I just can't without enough reason.

"Please, please stop this. This won't do any better!" I heard Kyungsoo's frustrated shout as he wanted to convince the woman and the others.

"Just put your weapons down and surrender yourselves!" He cried as he moved forward. I could see that he knew these people even before he joined us.

The woman who seemed to be the toughest one with piercings lowered her weapon. Kyungsoo moved forward and held him both in the upper arms.

"Please, everything will be alright," Kyungsoo muttered. The woman looked at him. Her face shows pain and anger.

"Y-You don't know my pain because you left us. You didn't help us! We were raped! You saw me got captive but you just ran away!" She shouted and pushed Kyungsoo harshly.

"Arghh!" Kyungsoo cried. Not because his back hit the cell bars but I saw how a rotting zombie bit him on the hand.

"No!" I shouted. Everyone did. I ran to pull him away from the flailing zombies behind the thick cold bars but it was too late. He's already got bitten.

"You bitch!" Baekhyun shouted as he pulled an army knife in his pocket and swiftly slung it in the woman's direction hitting her in the chest. The knife cleanly sunk on her chest and that, it started to pulse and gush blood.

The woman breathed in agony as she felt the knife impaled in her chest but she managed to point the gun at my group and she shot it a couple of times, using all the bullets left before Baekhyun charged at her and finally cutting her head away from her body with his sword.

"No!" Luhan shouted as he saw that Sehun, Lay, and Jungkook got shot because they covered the other survivors using their bodies.

I was crouching in front of Kyungsoo who is wailing and sobbing as I could see a bite mark on his hand. Its flesh was torn apart and bleeding.

"GET AWAY!" I was shoved to the side and in a snap, Kyungsoo's hand is separated from his wrist.

"Ahhhh!" He shouted in agony even more. I gasped at the brutal action coming from Baekhyun. Kyungsoo wailed in pain even more.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" I shouted at Baek in shock.

"I'm trying to save his damn life! Now hand me your fucking belt!" I immediately followed what he said and gave him my leather belt and he tied it on Kyungsoo's arm to prevent the red warm blood from gushing on the cut.

"Hold him like this. Don't let go." He ordered. His eyes sharp and his voice commanding. I've never been this close to him in these kinds of serious situations.

He growled and stood up, holding his sword in ease.

"Say your last words whores." He growled, the tip of his sword colliding on the floor, creating an eerie sound.

"No! No! Please!--" I winced when I saw him cut the pleading woman in half with his sword. And then he moved directly to the woman who was holding Jongin and before then she could talk, a bullet is already planted on her right eye.

"This is wrong! We are not like them!" One of their colleagues shouted but Baekhyun seemed deaf as he murdered the remaining men and women who are on the opposite side even though they had already surrendered their weapons and selves.

"These people don't deserve to live." Baekhyun justified lowly as he looked down at his blood bath creation. His face is washed with warm blood. The people who just stood there like mannequins got splattered with blood, so am I, and they can't even say a word. They are astounded. We are astounded by the fact the humans are being slaughtered in front of our eyes. And one of our fellows is the one who's slaughtering human beings.

At this moment, I felt threatened. I've never seen a person like him. It's a good thing and a bad thing. A good thing, he's on my team. Bad thing because he's dangerous like I am.

Kris arrived at the bloody scene while dragging a man to the ground. I'm still holding unto Kyungsoo who had already passed out.

"I found this man on the alarm section." He stated before pushing him in the middle of the group.

I stood up, pointing a gun at him.

"Stop!" Baekhyun interrupted me from blasting his head.

"He helped me distract the enemies by putting on the alarm." He stated.

"But he's one of the enemies." Luhan sided with me.

"P-Please... I don't want to d-die." The young man cried. He's the one who's sending us cold food before but it doesn't change the fact that he's one of the enemies.

"I.Said.Release.Him." Baekhyun argued. He sounds frustrated.

"What's your name?" Luhan came towards us and pointed his rifle towards him.

"M-Minho..." The guy introduced. His body shaking in fear as he eyed the amputated bodies, separated into pieces, and the flowing Crimson blood on the cemented floor.

"We're dead meats if weren't for him," Baekhyun spoke as he grabbed his shirt up, yanking him to stand.

"From now on, he's one of us. No one touches him." Baekhyun breathed as he wiped his blood-painted face.

"Put Kyungsoo in one cell. See if he shows symptoms of getting infected. Don't hesitate if he did." He ordered while he averted his gaze on everyone, checking their body if there's any scratch or bite of the walkers except me.

I was waiting for him to talk to me but he didn't. He didn't even spare me a look. He didn't even ask if I'm got bitten or am I even okay or anything.

What the fuck is his problem?

He's making me frustrated all of the sudden again.

"Let's stay in one place tonight. get some rest and let's rebuild this place a new one." He tried to speak fluently through his breath was still off.

"If you don't protect what belongs to you, sooner or later, it'll belong to someone else." He spoke with his eyes deep blank as if he just had been numbed before walking away. Leaving me nothing but a strange pain in my chest.
