Chapter 26: Marble White


It's the silence and the oddly cold feeling that made me lay on the floor near the fire to get me warmed up. Thoughts flooding my head as I stared at the slabs of metal sims that covered the ceiling while I waited for the others to arrive in our cell block. I could say that things are pretty stagnant right now realizing that no one had talked about anything from the past events.

Today was like yesterday. Cold and empty. A few people of ours died and we mourned in a short time before painfully yet bearably moving on. We have no choice but to move on. And if you fell out of sanity, if you let your emotion eat you and drown you with the dark side of the world, then your life is about to end.

I ignored everything and just kept my thoughts to myself. We are tired and amid sorrow but at least we have supplies to get us running for a couple of weeks or maybe months.

Deciding to pull away from my thoughts, I stood up on my feet, I walked towards where Taehyung had set some of our belongings in one of the secured prison cells. I saw him there sleeping soundly with a thick blanket covered his body up to his neck. The iron bar entrance was tied with a chain and I felt bad knowing how he was scared in this cruel world.

I was about to unchain the metal chains when I heard someone talked in the silence behind me.

"I'm sorry." I turned to look at Luhan who was just standing arms reach near me.

I looked at him for a second before speaking,

"I understand," I assured him. He looked depressed and I knew he'd been thinking about this lately. Chanyeol and the gang are out yet and the other people here are silently giving me the eyes to at least initiate a decision but I'm not in my usual self lately.

I sighed.

I patted his shoulder. He'd been so tough and I'm proud of him knowing that he seem to understand the meaning of survival. The meaning behind what I did out there.

After that, there's no thoughts that followed anymore. I don't want him to feel bad and I don't want to talk much about it too. I did that, for all of us. Period.

Upon checking every stall for security again, I stumble upon Kyungsoo's cell block. He was laying on the thin foam of the prison bed while his able hand was being cuffed. He's weakly breathing yet he's still unconscious.

I am glad he made it through. When you get bit, you only have a few hours left in you. I saw others turned, I watched them turn. It is the most painful feeling to me before and it was so fresh in my mind. I watched my mother suffered from severe fever after she got bitten and I saw how she turned into a soulless being.

"Hey." I heard Lay spoke. I looked at him. Maybe he had already got the clue that I've been spacing out when he flashed a thin smile at me. He handed me a cup of warm prison tea as he sat on the floor while I'm leaning on the wall.

"Thanks," I mumbled as I sipped on it. He's recovering from his wound but I know he's still feeling pain. The infirmary of this prison only has basic medical supplies and I heard that he insisted on using what only is needed for him.

"I hope you know that we are thankful to you." He commented beside me. His eyes focus on the flame inside our block section. The smokes are gathering above the metal sims and it made a blackish tint on it.

I kept silent for a moment. I don't need people to patronize me. I don't need to put myself in a huge responsibility where people think that I am responsible for doing things that I shouldn't be doing.

Chanyeol would be feeling this way too. The pressure. The responsibility. The pain.

"You don't have to thank me. I did it because I needed to." I said briefly.

"How many blocks are secured already?" I asked. I made sure that the hit of worry in my voice is unnoticeable.

"Only this block. And the left and right-wing are just on the B side and D side. We are in the C sec. The T zone is dangerous so we are not going to do anything until Chanyeol arrives." He spoke.

But they are taking too long already.

"They should be here this time now. They said they would come back at the break of noon." He said. I can't see his face because he's beside me but I could feel the slight worry from his voice.

"If they were still not here for the next hour, I'll follow them," I stated. Without them, we are immobile. I know that these people would not move unless Chanyeol say so.

"But Baek, it's dangerous. Just trust them." He said. He's now looking at me with a worried expression.

"An hour, Lay," I exclaimed. I don't want to show weakness anymore. I needed to accept the fact that if people make it, they would. And if they have not, then we move on. However, if there's still a chance, then I'll risk myself.

He looked at me defeatedly. I know that he should be accustomed to how I behave and how I decide things. And I won't let my fear eat me up.

I sat beside him for the next minutes. And the time goes by as the leftover tea on my cup got cold. Minho came to sit with us and the three of us reminisced the past. I can't deny that I'm having a good time knowing that from now on I have a hyung. I may not be capable to handle my emotion yet I knew to myself that the best way to overcome your darkest fear is to face them. And I opened up to Minho-hyung even though we only meet for a while.

We talked and talked. I didn't notice the time. It's not the night that swallowed the greyish color of the winter sky outside that knocked me in realization but the worried people that started asking where Chanyeol and the others now. And I didn't realize that the one hour I'm talking about a while back had turned into five hours.

"They're not here yet?" Luhan asked in a worried tone.

"What if something happened to them?" Taehyung mumbles who just woke up as he started to get panicked.

I started to become worried as well. What have they done?

I stormed away from there and grabbed my samurai sword in our cell block.

"Where are the keys?" I asked as I decided to finally check them up.

"No Baekhyun, I can't let you go." Xiumin intervened as he held the key tightly.

"It's getting dark, Xiumin! Can't you understand?!" I felt my blood boil in frustration.

"Please, we can't risk anymore now." Kai who had injured himself from the gunshot spoke.

"They can make it." Sehun cursed as he hissed. An article of clean clothing wrapped around his stomach area because of the wound.

"What if-" I was about to speak but I was cut off again.

"OPEN THE DOOR!" I heard. I'm sure they hear it too because once it echoed, there came another shout again.

"UNLOCK THE CHAINS!" Now I'm pretty sure that it's Chanyeol's voice. There's something there in his voice. It's ragged and it's solid that made me feel uncomfortable.

We sprinted towards the main metal bars that separated us from the E Sec and D sec yet the sound was not from there but from the T Zone.

"Why are they in the T Zone?" Xiumin asked in disbelief as the loud voice became clearer and louder.

And there's something more out there, it sounded like gurgling, growling, and that hit me when I realized something.

T Zone is not yet cleared.

"The key!" I shouted in panic as I grabbed the key harshly away from Xiumin's grasp as I ran towards the main bars on the end of the secured area where the T zone gates were located.

I almost cried and my soul almost left my body when I saw why they were shouting all along. My body turned pale as I faced them. They are running towards the door and it caught me off guard because they are being chased by what seemed to be numerous numbers of zombies.

I shouted and screamed at them like the others did who are behind me. I quickly focused to unlock the chain but the keys are so many and they are all identical.

"XIUMIN! I CAN'T FIND THE RIGHT KEY!" I shouted in fear and he grabbed it back and tremblingly find the key.

There's no chance they could make it. They're already just a few meters away from the zombies and still, they have a long distance to run towards here.

I scrambled away from there, almost tripping myself from the floor as I took as many guns as my arms could carry.

"Shoot!" I said, ordering Taehyung and the rest. Luhan is already firing with his rifle when I got there and I could see that everyone is in a state of fear.

"PLEASE OPEN THE DOOR! HURRY UP!" I heard Tao cried as he struggled to run with his wobbly legs.

This can't be happening.

I saw how Chanyeol and Kris assisted Suho who seemed injured with his feet. They are in a mere death situation.

How did this happen?

I steadied my trembling hands. My lungs and heart hammering together.

Focus Baekhyun! Focus!

I breathed shakily and shot the ones who are almost reaching their backs. The zombies are unusually fast and Chanyeol and the others are falling into a death suicide.

Their lives are in our hands no doubt.

"Hurry!" I heard Luhan cried as he could also see that it's impossible that they could make it.

Xiumin finally unlocked the lock of the thick metallic chain but he still needed to unchain the two metal gates to open.

"They can't make it!" Taehyung cried in despair as he struggled to shoot the zombie that almost tackled Jungkook behind.

This can't be happening.

Once it opened, I swiftly swung my samurai sword and sprinted towards them. They can't make it, I'm sure of it.

Unless I do something.

"Run faster!" I shouted on top of my lungs while trying my best to meet them in the middle of the seemingly long hallway.

Once I am near them, I shifted behind them and swung my blade horizontally towards the zombies. The first lane of the zombies' heads fell to the floor. I swung again and the second lane of the middle was attacked. They are too many.

This bought them time to give a bit of distance away from the zombies. However, it gave me a clear death ticket while at that moment I finally accepted that I'm dying now.

At least I get to save more lives than this stupid life of mine.

"Baekhyun!" I heard Chanyeol and the others shouted, I assumed that they were already near the gates.

"Lock the gates!" I shiveringly spoke. I knew that this moment would come.

As I am fighting with the hungry zombies I stumbled to one of the pieces of an arm that I cut and I was thrown to the ground. I felt my ankles sprained and that I couldn't stand up anymore. The zombies towered at me. They are soaked in blood and they rot. And it really made me feel bad that I would be like them soon and it's also debatable if they would leave even a piece of me.

All I am hearing was growling and it almost blinded me when they started coming at me. I didn't bother to crawl away. I'm a lump of dead meat now.

And yet there's something happened that I didn't expect.

"Baekhyun!" I heard them shouted but something else happened on the brink of my death.

Someone harshly grabbed my shoulders from the back and I slid away from them.

My eyes widened when I saw Minho pulled me away from there and stood in front of me.

"I'm sorry, dongsaeng. It's not yet your time. Don't give up." That's the words I heard from him before pushing me so hard and I fell from another man's arms where I got dragged away from there.

Minho hyung stood there, inch close with the zombies as he smiled sadly towards me and looked at me in the eyes. I felt like the world stopped.

"NO!!!!" I shouted when he got taken down with the hoards, hundred of zombies at the spot. They stopped there as they jumped at him, tackled him, and lapped him like a portion of food.

"NOOO!!!!!!!" I felt like I'm the only one who's hearing my voice anymore. My vision blurred dreadfully as I heard nothing but the zombies who's ravishing someone under the pile of infected bodies.

I heard the rustling of the metal chains and the impact when the moment the lock had been secured, the clashing of the rotten bodies to struggle to reach us from the opposite side is loud enough to break my insanity even just for a moment.

Minho hyung sacrificed himself for me.

This rang in my mind. It broke my soul.

"NOOOOOO!!!!!!" I shouted and struggled to get away from the man who's holding me back from tackling the zombies behind the bars who's reaching their hands out for us.

Tears blurred my vision, that's the only possible reason for my sight defection.


"Calm down, Baekhyun!" I got pulled up and got faced confronted with Chanyeol who's holding my shoulders too tightly. Though of course, I'm not feeling anything. But numbness.

"H-He sacrificed h-his l-life... f-for me..." I trailed off. Trying to justify why am I feeling like this.

I could no longer focus on my surroundings. I felt dead. The only thing I felt was my body getting hit into warm yet hard things like a wall and two strong arms wrapped around my cold numbing body. And these arms didn't let me go even how hard I try to get away.

"Shhh... I'm here." I heard his voice behind the sanity breaker noise coming from the zombies a couple of meters away from us.

"I'm still here..." My ears made out the words coming out of his lips. I sobbed in his chest like a kid and I shook a lot.

I felt the world spin clockwise as I steadied my trembling body before I pushed him away as forcefully as possible.

And I promised I didn't mean to turn my back and look at the zombies. Because when I turned, I died even more. I saw Minho's body, pinned from the metal bars, reaching his hands out to me. It could have been good... it could have been okay if only his complexion hadn't got bloodied and his eyes didn't turn into marble white. He's not calling me by my name. He's not calling me dongsaeng. It could have been fine if he's not gurgling and growling towards me. He turned. He turned into one of them. And I saw him die.

Someone died again because of saving my stupid life.
