Chapter 77 - Monster Extermination(Part 3)

Point-of-View: Zoraiz Rafayet


"It's past midnight already, and they've still got guards posted...definitely suspicious," Frowned Mike, as we hid behind a row of bushes.

We'd gone up the side of the hill instead of up along the path, making sure to remain unseen. About half an hour ago, we'd gotten within sight of the church, and were currently hiding, in wait for an opportunity to sneak in.

We had circled the church in search of another entry point, but as far as we could tell, there were none. No windows, only those large glass panels with intricate designs and various colors that didn't open and couldn't be seen through.

We also spotted some scuffed up spots of dirt, probably them wiping away the Monster footprints that had appeared. From the size of each scuffed up spot, it was likely that the footprints were pretty big. Are they just going to pretend like the prints never existed?