Chapter 199 - Deity Trainer

Point-of-View: Alexis Tucker


"So, how do we start?" Inquired Zoraiz, as we headed out into a clearing, "And how long can we count on you to train us?"

"Hm...until I am bored of doing so. I suppose I can guarantee at least a month, after that I shall decide on whether or not I will continue," He replied, after mulling it over.

"Well, it's better than nothing, I guess," I sighed in response.

"Now, then, let us begin. One hour per day, that is all the time I am willing to spend on the two of you. I shall remain on the defensive for now, attack me with everything that you are capable of," Stated Bastet, as he stepped onto the middle of the clearing.

"Hmph, you asked for it!" I responded, as I fired out a lightning bolt at him.

Zoraiz raced across as Bastet formed a barrier to block my attack, right as Zoraiz suddenly boosted his speed immensely and zipped towards Bastet rapidly, closing in on him from behind.